Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: Please be advised that this story is placed in Italy where age of consent is 14. In order to be aligned with Wattpad guidelines, some scenes have been modified/removed.

Trigger warning: This chapter may contain scenes not suitable for some audiences. Discretion is advised.


Saturday passed slowly for Lucas, he woke up very late and has been thinking all afternoon about the kiss, in the soft touch on his lips and how he would have dared much more if he hasn't been conscious about his brother being around.

He saw Giovanni in the morning but he did not say anything to him, his cousin was not important, he was still thinking about the same thing.

Maybe he should stop by his place. He had a good feeling and felt encouraged, even though he still had his obnoxious cousin sleeping in the next room.


Agustin left early in the morning, left him a note on the table. He'd be at the hospital located in a distant neighborhood but he did not specify which or even the name of the neighborhood. He wrote that if he was not admitted, he will message him right away. Numa woke up a few hours later and looked disappointed at the note, and looking at this phone, he sat in the kitchen while his grandmother prepared lunch. Eleonora noticed that he was too quiet and it was obvious something was going on.

"Numa, are you feeling sick?"

"Sorry what, Grandma?"

"Are you ok? Do you have a fever?"

"No," answered absentmindedly.

Eleonora sat down in front of him.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, granny, nothing."

He got up, he was wearing a light sweatshirt and went out before his grandmother noticed anything. He sat down on the front steps to think.

Hours went by and he still didn't get a call, "surely he's been hospitalized". Did his parents know your son was sick? Probably not, they were the first ones to kick him out of the house when they found out he was gay, so he probably hadn't talked to them yet. It was hell of the time Agustin had to deal with. Probably he never got to tell them about his current condition. The worst thing was that, surely knowing them as he did, they would say they were right from the beginning, and that it was a punishment for all the bad things he has done.

"It seems unbelievable that we live in the 21st century, and such a thing still happens. What a shitty society".


Lucas spent the whole Sunday fleeing from the clutches of his cousin who wanted to convince him to go out together to give a "passagiata" which did not fit even in his remote dreams.

"Lucas " Giovanni got serious "Aren't you behaving like an asshole? You are already 18 years old." His cousin made a break before adding "Can't you just forget and get along with me?"


"Well, ten you're screwed because I'm going to stay at least another month."

Giovanni approached the sofa where Lucas was lying down.

"Lucas..." he sat down next to the young man to look at him provocatively "didn't we have a good time in Italy?"


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