Chapter 75

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When Leon  received the call, his heart skipped a beat out of  excitement. Of course he knew the place, it was a bit out of the way, but Leon knew the area, he has been there before. It was a private neighborhood, and the very exclusive clinic was a little further down the road. He walked in a good mood. He was dressed for the occasion, in dress pants and a pink designer shirt. The sun was strong, his sunglasses completed the look.

He arrived at the entrance, the facade was majestic. When he entered, he spoke to the contact person he had been passed and was shown the way up to the fifth floor. It was an impressive place. He arrived at the room he has been told, opened the door slowly and looked in. The heavy curtains blocked the light from entering and the person lying on the bed seemed to doze in the dim lighting. He sat down in the thin, soft armchair at the side of the bed. The young man blinked, he seemed to be waking up. When his eyes came into focus he blinked several times and at that moment Leon knew he already won, at least half the battle.

"Leo?" the amber eyes glowed. "How...?"

Leon looked at him with a wide smile

"You have a rather peculiar tattoo. And now you'll understand why I told you at the time that I didn't like the idea of having one. Well, yours takes up almost half of your thigh, as usual, even for that you are extravagant. I'm curious, Lucas hasn't seen it yet, has he?

Giovanni smiled back and shook his head.

"Not yet. Looking forward to seeing his face when he sees it" He added softly, with a mischievous look.

Leon thought at that moment that he would not like to be in the brunet's shoes.

"What do you want Leo?"

Giovanni knew he has to be careful, he had realized a long time ago that the biggest danger was in Leon's carefree attitude that hid a dark and calculating way of being. Not to mention that he had the worst attitude possible, that of someone who knows he has nothing to lose. And until that moment he managed to stay away, however, his luck was apparently changing.

"Nothing important. You, how are you?"

Giovanni looked at him without understanding.

"Did you really come to ask me how I am?"

"Yes, and to confirm that the matter with my guy is settled."

Giovanni laughed softly, and then put his hand to his abdomen.

"Your guy? you mean Numa?" He looked at him amused "He is with Lucas. You're worse off than me."

"Oh, not anymore."

Giovanni observed him, and his look became serious. Leon smiled to himself, after all, for certain things they were quite alike.

"What are you looking for?," asked the young Italian.

Leon stretched out like a cat on the luxurious chair. And then he looked at him with a dangerous look and an arrogant smile.

Giovanni looked at him expectantly.

"And you, Gio? What do you need?"

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