Chapter 47 - Part II

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"Quiet if you don't want me to slice your throat," the deep voice whispered in his ear.

It was night and in those streets there was absolutely no one, not even the police were around at that hour.

"Now you're going to tell me where he is."

Lucas could barely control the tremors of his body, the guy had him immobilized, holding his hands behind his back while he pressed him against the icy wall, the cold and rough cement of it scraped his cheek.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he answered, using his last bit of strength. He was terrified.

"Don't play dumb, " he felt the blade press against the skin of his neck, producing a slight cut.

"I really don't know what you're talking about," he wasn't lying to him, he just hoped he would realize he was telling the truth.

"I don't seem to speak clearly," he pressed the blade hard, sliding it a few centimeters, a thread of warm blood began to slide down the skin, "the coke, where is our stuff?"

"I have no idea, I don't have it..." Lucas was beginning to realize that the situation was just as he had thought, this was a settling of scores.

"And I'm sure you don't know where you cousin is either..." he laughed in a strange way.

"No, I have no idea."

"I guess you need a little push," he removed the blade from his neck to place it on his back, "How is your sister doing?"

Lucas felt a shiver go up his skin. A fear filled him inside, a fear that turned into desperation and rage.

"Leave my sister out of this, you son of a bitch," the guy pulled him away from the wall to slam him hard against it again.

"If our stuff doesn't show up, your little sister is next in the row, you have 24 hours. You better leave the cops out of this."

"Whatever you want, but leave her out of this," Lucas felt that his strength had left him, this had to be a nightmare.

"Too late," whispered the guy before punching him hard in the back causing the young man to fall to the ground and once in that situation he kicked him a few times and ran away.

Lucas lay on the dirty sidewalk, barely able to breathe. There was pain, but it felt everywhere.

The young man rolled on the street until he finally felt the air in his lungs, he slowly searched for his cell phone in his clothes, he could barely move, he found it and desperately began to dial the number, he knew that cell phones were not allowed in the hospital but he prayed that she had it on, the police has given them permission. His mind kept repeating his sister's name. Someone has already attacked few hours ago. This seems to be just the beginning. He felt like crying out loud.

"Hi," she murmured in a weak voice when the young woman answered, she could hear the young woman crying, her heart stopped, "Did something happen? was just"

"I'll be right there, I want you to leave that room and go to another one, okay? Go to the nurses' room, just get out of there."

"Okay, are you okay? You barely have a voice."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll see you now."


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