Chapter 57

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Lucas walked through the corridors of the institute a little restless, Numa has not appeared, soon he would ring the bell announcing the end of classes. He went out through the white gate walking with an uncertain step.

He could not understand why he has not attended classes, just when the weeks with the last exams were approaching. Well, he wasn't a boy who had problems with grades, but even so, if he was absent he would run the risk that some teachers would fail him. He looked towards the street, he wasn't there waiting for him either, that was strange. A fear invaded him inside, but it was silly in broad daylight it was impossible that something happened to him. Maybe the best thing to do would be to go by his house, but that made him even more afraid, if Numa was not at home but the grandmother was, then she would know that her grandson had not attended classes and would get him into trouble. He waited for a while when a car approached at full speed to stop violently at the corner, no need to know who was driving like that, it was his brother, apparently he was already in the city.

He got out of the car and made a hand signal, Lucas approached him in a bad way.

"I thought you already left."

"Hello, how are you? How did you enjoy your business trip? We are fine. Alive."

"I'm sorry..." Alex looked at him in a worried way "I'm back and I heard what happened. I just came from talking to the lawyer and the police."

"So, anything new?" his way of asking was mocking.

"A lot, actually. You just don't know how to deal with people like that" his brother looked at him like he used to do when he was a kid.

"Yeah, well, if you say so."

Lucas turned to walk back to the street, he didn't feel like talking to his brother.

"What's wrong with you, Lucas?"

"What's wrong with me? It turns out that when this kind of things happen we are alone...and after all we have been through, I am not here to listen to you bragging about your grown up skills,  I don't feel like listening to you", he had raised the tone of his voice something that surprised Alexandro.

His brother looked at him intensely for a few moments before turning to go to the car, he knew that Lucas was right but it was too late to change things, his business for him and the opportunity he was giving him at that moment in the company was not something that the rest could understand.

"By the way..." his brother added softly, causing Lucas to stop and listen. "They" arrive on Saturday for a visit, they will stay for two weeks.

Lucas didn't even turn around for the simple fact that he remained static, he lost his mobility, that was too much for him who had just started to build his life far from his family. Why would they come? Have they found out what had happened with Manon?

He felt behind him the noise of the car starting and the screeching of the wheels against the asphalt, he felt for a few moments the world spinning around him. He felt lost.


Numa looked at the watch a little nervous, he had analyzed each of the possible reactions and also what he would say in each of them, although he knew that when the time came the most likely thing was that his mind would go blank and to hell with everything he had prepared.

Not to mention that in his mind there were other things that worried him just as much. He knew it was not possible but he would give everything to talk to Agustín again, even though he knew what he would tell him. 

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