Chapter 76 - The End

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The doorbell rang once, and Leon looked quizzically at the clock, he was in the kitchen making a sandwich. It was 7 am, and he only hoped it wasn't some annoying neighbor, he just got back from work and was exhausted. He didn't have to change, the only things he took off were his shoes and socks, the coldness of thefloor was especially refreshing on summer days. He shouted from the kitchen that he was on his way. He approached the door, peered through the crack and stood in silence. He turned the key and opened the door. The young man looked at him with a strange expression on his face, he didn't look like he came from a night out, he was wearing a black t-shirt and white jeans with matching white sneakers. He let him in. He closed the door and bolted it as usual.

For some strange reason he was afraid it was something serious, it seemed like the streak never ended. He turned around, and found the bright green eyes staring at him in a strange way. He was about to say something, but his voice reached him in that moment:

"No questions," said Numa.

Leon looked at him without clearly understanding what was going on, he didn't know what he was referring to. A thousand things crossed his mind, among them, that someone followed him, threatened him or was waiting for him outside. At that moment, the young man approached him, he smelled a familiar aroma and wondered how much he drank, although he did not seem to be drunk. He wondered again, seriously, when Numa brought his right hand to his violet hair and suddenly but firmly pulled him in for a kiss. He felt an electric wave through his whole body, he remembered again what irremediably linked him to the boy and that was the sexual chemistry they had. He thought about pushing him away, of course he did, however, when the boy's tongue entered his mouth, he lost his reasoning. The kiss that began in an urgent and demanding way was transforming into something different. How he kissed him was different from the previous times, there was desire, urgency, but also an unknown intensity. He felt Numa's hands tangled in his hair, his body glued to his and the kiss that was taking him to another reality.

Numa's hands slipped under his clothes, and for a second he thought about the fights they had, about Lucas and the reserve area that second time. He wasn't going to ask questions, and he didn't mind regretting it. He decided to lose himself in the warmth of that mouth, and in the hands that slowly ran along the skin of his chest. He pulled away from his mouth and without looking him in the eye, kissed the line of his chin, slowly moving down his neck. He let his tongue run up his skin all the way to his left ear. It was always the left and never the right. Numa seemed to anticipate what was coming because he pressed his hips against his and when Leon's tongue and teeth ran all over the delicate skin of his ear, he let out a moan that provoked a smile on the violet-haired young man's face, who in response placed his hands on the boy's ass to squeeze it tightly.

Numa's hands slipped down to his pants and Leon had the sudden need to slow him down, he didn't want to go so fast. Instead, he ran his hands up the young man's torso and pulled off the shirt he was wearing, then grabbed him by the neck and kissed him again, the boy's fingers were going much faster and had already unbuttoned his pants, and it wasn't long before he felt one of Numa's hands slip inside his underwear and wrap around his member. Leon let out a sigh, and at that moment their gazes met, Numa had his eyes narrowed, his full lips a little reddened by the kisses, the skin of his neck, the hair on the sides of his face, Leon stared him in silence trying to engrave that image in his mind. He slowly licked his upper lip and then his lower lip, and buried his right hand in the young man's pants, sliding it greedily down his ass and caressing the fine line between his buttocks, stopping at the young man's entrance to press lightly. His green eyes sparkled, and he ran his tongue lasciviously over his lips and then kissed him, he separated and whispered something so softly he could not understand, but it was no time for questions, he pressed again introducing two fingers, and felt how the young man arched his back and buried the fingers of his left hand in his skin. Numa bit his earlobe in desperation and whispered something again:

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