Chapter 48

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I spent the next two months in the hospital. Loki was constantly at my side, trying to help me with anything and everything. It was honestly getting kind of annoying. But he meant well so I wouldn't say anything to him.

Thor, Harley, and Peter, visited pretty frequently. They usually came a few times a week, sometimes everyday. Loki and I were both considered out of commission for missions indefinitely. Which I was completely fine with.

I started chemo a few weeks ago. It was an experience to say the least. My appetite changed a lot. I was either constantly hungry, or not hungry at all. I was tired all of the time, meaning I spent most of my time in the hospital cuddled up to Loki on the uncomfortable bed. Nausea was also a common issue.

It was no secret that my hair would most likely fall out eventually. I just didn't think it would start so soon into my treatment. Anytime I would take a shower, there would be clumps of hair in the drain. The same was for brushing my hair, there was always strands coming off into the brush. Thankfully, Loki hadn't noticed yet. I was doing a pretty good job at hiding it; constantly wearing beanies or hoods.

The doctor says that chemo seems to be working, but I'm not really sure if I believe that so much. I had just started the treatment and I guess only time will tell with this type of shit.


I brushed my teeth and quickly dried my mouth off before looking at myself in the mirror. My skin was pale, and my face was bare. I pulled off my beanie and ran a hand subconsciously through my hair. A few strands came out into my hand. I sighed and threw them into the trash can beside the sink, covering it up with toilet paper and paper towels so Loki wouldn't see it unless he went rooting through the trash.

I pulled my beanie back on and walked out of my personal bathroom and back into my actual room. Loki was sitting in the cushioned chair beside the bed while reading a book. He vanished the book once he saw that I was back in the room.

He stood up and walked over to me, grabbing one of my hands and brushing his thumb over the back of it before leaning down and placing a kiss on my forehead. I looked up to him and flashed a weak smile.

"Hungry?" He asked.

Yeah. I nodded.

I pulled on a pair of comfortable boots and a jacket before following Loki out of the room. We walked down the various hallways of the hospital until we finally reached the cafeteria. I sat down at a table while Loki grabbed us something to eat.

I looked around and found Thor, Peter, and Harley approaching the table with wide smiles.

"Hey, Y/n!" Peter greeted, giving a small wave.

I gave him a small smile and waved to everyone else.

"How are you feeling?" Thor asked.

I gave him a pointed look.

"Right, sorry. Stupid question."

Peter and Thor gave me a quick hug before they all sat down around the table.

Loki came back a few minutes later with a tray which had two sandwiches, two milkshakes, and two containers of french fries. He flashed us a quick smile and sat down across from me. I grabbed one of the milkshakes and took a big gulp before sitting it down on the table.

I huffed and glared at the cup.

"Woah, what did the milkshake do to you?" Harley teased.

"The chemo is messing with her tastebuds." Loki replied for me. "All she can really taste are sour and spicy foods."

"Oh, damn." He eyed the french fries in front of me.

They're mine, so fuck off. You can have the weird mystery sandwich.

I threw the sandwich at him as Loki translated for me.

I shoveled the fries into my mouth and chewed them up before looking up at Loki with puppy eyes.

"No, Y/n." He stated firmly.


"You can't just eat candy with every meal. You need actual food."

I did eat actual food. I just ate french fries.

Loki rolled his eyes and looked around, making sure he was free to use his magic without freaking everyone out, before waving his hand around. There was a flash of green magic and a pack of sour candy appeared in my hand.

Thank you! I smiled childishly and stuffed a few in my mouth.

We talked and ate for a few before standing up to wander around the hospital. Loki walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I froze when his arm brushed against my beanie and he accidentally pushed it off my head. He picked it up and stared at it for a second.

"When did this start?" He asked, seeing the strand of hair that had come out into the beanie when it fell off.

About a week.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Because once my hair is gone, then everyone will know I'm sick and all I'll get is sympathetic looks.

He sighed and placed a finger on my chin, tipping my head up to look at him. He leaned down slightly and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed back and placed a hand on his arm. He pulled away all too soon and slid my beanie back on my head.

"You know I love you no matter what, right?" He asked his lips only inches from mine.

I nodded and leaned up, kissing him again before breaking away and letting out a breath.

I love you too.

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