Chapter 7

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I limped through the pouring rain, trying not to pass out from blood loss and from the shooting pains in my side and leg. It was a solid mile of limping and wincing until I reached a stretch of road. There were only a few cars driving up and down the road.

I limped over to the side of the road, kicking up gravel and dirt as I dragged my foot across it. I waved one of my arms in the air, trying to get the attention of a passing car. I pulled my mask and put on an innocent 'please help me' look as a pick-up truck pulled off to the side of the road in front of me.

It was a woman probably in her late twenties to early thirties. She had curly red hair, which was cut to rest just above her chin. She had on a bright pink t-shirt with a multi colored plaid shirt and light jeans.

"Hey, you need a ride?" She asked, rolling her window down.

I nodded.

"Hop in."

She leaned over and cracked the door open for me slightly. I pressed my lips together into a fake smile and got into the truck, shutting the door once I was in. Now you may be thinking; why didn't she just kill her and take the truck? That's what she does, isn't it?

I don't kill innocents. I have my motives behind killing and it's typically men. A few women being the only exceptions. Never children. I'm not a monster.

"Holy-What happened to you?" She asked, looking me over.

I shrugged.

"Here." She took off her flannel button up and handed it to me. "Tie that around your leg. It should hold until we can get you to a hospital."

I tied the cloth around my leg, wincing as the pain increase briefly before looking to her and aggressively shaking my head.

"What?" She asked.

"I can't go to a hospital."  I signed, highly doubting she even understood sign language.

"Why not?" She asked, not even questioning why I was using sign instead of talking.

I'll admit, I was a little suprised to see she understood what I was saying. Not too many people know sign language. Not that I ever actually communicate with anyone. I have no life outside of what I do as Vex.

"I just can't. Please." I signed, giving her a fake pleading look.

"Can I drop you off somewhere at least?" She asked.

I nodded and wrote down an address on a napkin she had in her cupholder.

She smiled, showing that she got it and started to drive.

"The name's Charlie, by the way." She informed.

I nodded, really hoping she wouldn't recognize me as Vex.

"You know, I can help you. My friends and I are here on business, I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping."

I shook my head. Good, she's not a local. Chances are she doesn't know about me, well, Vex. Plus, side to my suit: my weapons aren't visible if I have my cloak and hood on.

"We deal with wounds like this all the time. Seriously, it won't take me long to patch you up and you can be back on your way in no time."

I shook my head again. She was nice, but I wasn't trusting it.

I fiddled with my hands as she continued to drive. I looked around at the items in her truck.

Books. And lots of them. Just tossed in the back seat. They looked extremely old. There was a small duffle bag sitting in the center of the back seat. I wasn't going to question it. I mean I fucking kill guys for a living. Of course, I have a reason behind it. But still.

We were almost to the location when her phone lit up and started buzzing, the name 'Dean' popping up on the screen.

She looked to me and sighed before eagerly picking it up and answering it.

"Dean?" She asked.

I heard a muffled voice on the other end of the line. It was deep and sounded like a man in his mid thirties, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Uhh I have something to take care of really quick but I'll be there in a few." She spoke, looking to me and then back at the road in front of her. "Don't die while I'm gone."

She hung up the phone and dropped it back into the cupholder.

A few minutes later, we pulled up to the address I gave her. I didn't give her the real address of where I was going. It was one for a house a few blocks away from the actual location, but I could walk from here. She grabbed the napkin I had written the address on and wrote down her phone number.

"Give me a call if you ever need help." She informed, handing me the napkin.

I nodded and got out of the truck, trudging along the side of the road as she drove off into the rain. It took me a few minutes to arrive at the actual location I wanted to be at, but I made it.

I opened the unlocked front door of the rundown and extremely old house and made my way inside, closing the door behind me and locking it.

I slid my hood down and limped up the stairs, wincing as both my side and leg ached more than they were before. I have to get these wounds cleaned.

I walked down the hallway and into the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kid out from under the sink. I sat down on the edge of the bathtub and got to work on fixing my wounds.

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