Chapter 29

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I silently laughed as we passed Happy on the road, my smile widening. I pulled into the parking lot to the mall and parked in an open space. I took the keys out of the ignition and looked over to Loki, who had a genuine smile on his face and was looking at me.

I ignored the look and got out of the car. Loki did the same. I tossed him the keys and leaned against the side of the car, crossing my arms with a smirk playing on my face while we waited for Happy to pull up.

How long do you think it will take him to realize that was us that passed him? I asked.

"Give him five minutes to arrive and another two to realize it was us." Loki replied, standing next to me.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Happy slowly parked in the space next to us. Thor stepped out of the passenger seat as Peter and Harley got out of the back. Happy got out a few seconds later.

"That was you?" He asked, gesturing to our car.

I smirked and stood up straight, walking around the car and following beside Loki, behind Thor and the two teens. Happy locked his car and followed behind us all.

Whoever maxes out Stark's credit card, the other person buys them lunch. I offered, putting out my hand for him to shake.

"Deal." Loki agreed, shaking my hand with a smirk on his face.

We walked into the mall and split off into groups. Thor, Peter, and Harley broke off, leaving me with Loki. Happy went with Thor and the teens, claiming Stark would fire him if he lost visual on Peter and Harley.

Little tip: Do not leave a socially distant, untrusting, human hating, tensed up, skilled fighter/assassin and a literal trickster god, alone in the mall. Shit is bound to hit the fan.

Loki and I walked side by side, weaving through the groups of people around us and making our way into one of the stores.

The lights were slightly dimmed and shelves lined the walls, items neatly placed on each one. There were racks of clothing strategically placed around the store, making rows for people to navigate between displays.

I looked around at the clothing on the racks, picking out a few things and not bothering to check the price tag before dropping them onto the check out counter. Loki followed suit and did the same.

"Hi, did you find everything okay?" The cashier asked, her voice painfully cheery and fake.

I nodded and gave her a fake smile, pulling out Stark's card to pay.

"How are you guys doing today?" She asked.

I kept up the fake smile and Loki responded for me.

"We're doing fine." He spoke.

The cashier looked at me, her fake smile faultering and her eyes growing cold.

"Okay, what the hell is your deal?" She hissed, dropping the item of clothing she was holding and letting it fall back down on the countertop.

"I'm sorry?" Loki replied, giving her a confused look.

"Her. What the fuck is her problem?" She looked back to me. "You've been avoiding eye contact with me, you have a fake smile pressed on your lips, and you haven't spoke a god damn word to me, nor have you answered any of my questions? I'm trying to be nice here and all you're doing is being a bitch!" She snapped, drawing the attention of her co-workers and other customers.

My eyes widened and filled with rage. I took a step forward and started to raise my clenched fist. 

I'm the bitch?!

Loki placed his hand on top of mine and pushed it back down to my side. I shot him a glare.

"Lauren, go take five." A man spoke, approaching the woman.

'Lauren' shot Loki and I a glare before huffing and walking away. The man took her place and shot us an apologetic look.

"I apologize for Lauren. She's having a rough day." He informed.

Bullshit! She's a bitch all the time, I could tell.

"I have better things to do than to listen to your pathetic excuses as to why your employees act the way they do." Loki grumbled.

The man nodded and tapped something on the computer sceen.

"Your total today is $376.85. Will you be paying with cash or card?"

I held up the card, showing it to him before swiping it on the little machine and completing the transaction. He smiled and handed me the receipt along with the bag.

"I apologize again. Have a nice day."

I grabbed the bag and the reciept before making my way out of the store beside Loki.

I hope they both get hit by a bus on the way home.

Loki chuckled beside me.

"I can make that happen."

I might take you up on that offer. Let me think it over. I silently laughed.

Our hands slightly brushed against each other but Loki seemed to pay no mind to it. Myself, on the other hand, had a different reaction. I flinched my hand away and stuffed it in the pocket of my jeans. I couldn't help but to notice the small, warm feeling that grew in my stomach when his hand brushed against mine.

Oh fuck, no.

No. No. No. No. No.

I am not falling for Loki. Nope. Nuh-uh. No way. No. Nein.

Fuck off, feelings. I am not doing this.

"You okay?" Loki asked me.


"I asked if you're okay. You've been zoned out for a few minutes."

It wasn't until now that I realized we were already in a different store and I was aimlessly looking at the clothing on the racks and shelves.

Yeah, I'm fine.

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