Chapter 30

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After an hour of prank playing, arguing with the shithead cashiers, and the occasional shopping, Loki and I met back up with Thor, Happy, Peter and Harley. We sat down at a table in the food court while Thor and Peter went to fetch some food for us to eat.

They came back with a collection of six different trays, each one containing a mixture of foods from each of the restaurants in the building. They took their seats and gestured for us to eat.

I hesitantly grabbed a box of fries, a sandwich that was wrapped in foil, and a mystery drink from one of the trays. I looked over to Loki who was eating a salad. I glanced back over to my food and unwrapped the sandwich from the foil, taking a bite of it and chewing it up before swallowing it.

The taste wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and it didn't kill me yet, so that's a plus. I took a drink of my mystery beverage and was pleased, to say the least. It had been years since I had eaten out somewhere. I definitely missed it.

Thor and the two teens finished their food before Loki, Happy, and I did. I finished not too long after, as did Loki and Happy. Peter and Harley stood up, grabbing all of the trays, which now had our trash on them, and went to go throw them away.

I felt someone's gaze on me and looked up, finding a group of older men and women in their late sixties to early seventies. They stared at me and whispered something amongst themselves. I narrowed my eyes and slightly tipped my head, trying to listen in on what they were saying.

"You okay?" Loki asked for the hundreth time today.

Shut up.

Loki looked at me almost offended.

I didn't mean it like that. Just be quiet for a second.

"Who lets her dress like that?" One of the men said.

"She should not be wearing that much makeup." His wife spoke.

"And those God awful piercings." Another woman said.

"She should not be hanging out with all of those boys." Another woman said.

"Slut." One of the men whispered under his breath.

My eyes flicked away from them and I stared down at the table in front of me, playing with the straw of my drink while trying to fight the urge to beat up a group of old people.

Loki followed where my gaze was to the group of elderly and curiously looked at them. His eyes flashed with rage as he read my thoughts and theirs. Thor, Happy, and the two teens soon caught on too, their eyes going to the group as well.

"Take a picture it will last longer!" Peter shouted.

"Grow a pair and say it to our faces!" Harley joined in.

I silently laughed to myself, biting my lip ring and looking up, a devilish smirk playing on my face.

I would say a snarky comment, but, one, I can't speak, and two, I'm not sure they would be able to hear me even if I did have a voice.

Loki chuckled beside me.

"I suggest you keep walking." Loki spoke, stopping his chuckle and his raging glare returning as he looked towards the elderly group.

They scoffed and continued walking, rolling their eyes as they passed. I finished the rest of my drink and slammed the cup down on the table.

Let's go fuck something up. I thought, pressing my hands to the table and standing up.

I pushed my chair out with the back of my legs and walked away from the table. I heard Loki say something to Thor, Happy, and the two teens before his chair slid out from underneath him and he stood up. He slightly jogged up next to me, matching my walking pace as we made our way out of the food court.

"Are you okay?" Loki asked.

Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

"With what just happened I thought you might be upset or something."

I stopped walking and turned to Loki.

I've heard it all before. There is no use in getting upset over it.

Loki didn't say anything, just looked at me with an expression I knew all too well:


Don't look at me like that. I don't need your pity.

"I wasn't pitying you."

Yes, you were. I've seen the look too many times to miss it. I don't need your worry. I don't need you to show sympathy. I lived a life before I met you and I was perfectly fine. I doubt I will need you now.

I broke the eye contact and looked away at the passing people, who were exchanging looks with each other. To them this was a one-sided conversation since they couldn't actually hear me.

"I'm not trying to pity you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Sorry for actually trying to care about someone."

Well people who care for me always end up dead and I would rather not have another life at stake because I was too weak to keep my walls up. I don't need any more guilt and blood on my hands than I do now so go back to not giving a shit about me. Trust me, it will work better for the both of us that way.


I'm going out to the car, give me the keys.

Loki sighed and let his head drop forward before materializing the keys into his hand. He looked back up and held them out to me. I grabbed the keys and walked away from him before he could say anything else.

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