Chapter 41

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The next two weeks went by extremely slow. I didn't realize how boring the compound was without Loki until now. Thor, Harley, and Peter were always hanging out. They invited me to join them several times, but I declined. None of them knew sign and it was getting difficult to talk to them when I had to write everything down constantly. With Loki, he could just read my mind and I got used to that. I caught myself constantly thinking my responses to them before realizing that they couldn't hear what I was saying.

Loki tried to stay in contact for the first week after he had left. He sent illusions to appear around the compound, checking up on me and letting me know that he was okay and in fact, still alive. But after, that week, the illusions came less often and eventually stopped within the beginning days of the second week.

I hadn't quite realized how big of a part Loki had become in my life until now. I never meant to get this close to him, but you see how that turned out. I tried to push him away several times the first few weeks we met, but he always found his way back into my mind. Literally.

I spent most of the last two weeks either training alone, messing around with my knives in my room, or just hanging out in Loki's. There was nothing to do without Loki here. Sure, I could prank Thor or the two teens, but where's the fun in that when you don't have your usual partner with you to gloat to.


The nightmares of the last year flashed through my mind as I slept.

The kills.

The blood.

The hurt.

The anger.

The pain.


I pulled the black blankets that were on Loki's bed, closer up to my neck, balling them in my fist as silent tears slipped down my face. A hand pressed gently to my shoulder, followed by a soothing voice I have grown to like over the past month.

"It's just a dream, darling."

I opened my eyes slowly, still tightly gripping onto the blankets that were covering me. The room was dark but I could make out the figure's face.


"It's me." He spoke, stroking his thumb across my face and wiping away my tears.

I sat up and sniffed as he slid into bed next to me and pulled me to his chest. I rested my head on his collarbone and a hand on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

When did you get back? I asked once I calmed down fully.

"Just now. I'm sorry I wasn't here to keep your mind calm while you slept like usual."

It's fine.

"Did you miss me?"

No, you're room is just colder than mine. I teased.

He chuckled lightly and I looked up. I flashed him a small smile before leaning up and slowly pressing my lips to his.

Okay, maybe I did miss you a little. I laughed silently while pulling away.

He smirked and leaned in. Our lips collided once again, this time more heated and passionate. I let my eyes flutter closed and kissed back. His hand cupped the side of my face as I slipped off him and laid back on the bed.

He leaned over me and deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue across the seam of my lips. I parted my lips and let his tongue roam around in my mouth, as did mine in his. My hands traveled up his chest and to the back of his neck where my fingers tugged ever so slightly at his hair.

He broke away for a second, letting me catch my breath before he returned his lips to mine. I removed one of my hands from his hair and moved it down to the top buttons of his shirt. He pulled away again.

"We don't have to-" He started.

I want to.

"Are you sure?" He asked softly.

I nodded and started to unbutton his shirt while his lips collided with mine again. Once it was fully unbuttoned, I slipped it off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. His hand slipped underneath the tank top I was wearing and pushed it up, only breaking the kiss to pull it over my head. His mouth moved from mine and down to my neck, biting and sucking at the skin gently.

He went slow and gently, not wanting to hurt me in any way. The entire time he whispered sweet, encouraging words into my ear.

After, I laid in his arms, tired but happy. Our legs tangled together beneath the sheets and he pressed soft kisses to my bare shoulders and face.

"You're beautiful, you know that. You might not think so, but you are. You're perfect, scars and all." He informed, his thumb stroking over my bare arm as he placed another soft, gentle, kiss to the top of my head.

I smiled lightly and snuggled farther into his cool touch, my nose pressing into the crook of his neck as I fell into a peaceful sleep.



That was not how this chapter was supposed to go.

But writer's block is a bitch and she brings you this piece of...whatever this is.

I have no idea what I'm doing anymore and I think everything is going to go to shit again. So be prepared for that.

I also don't know if this will have a happy ending or not. I'm better at writing sad shit.

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