Chapter 31

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I walked out of the mall and into the parking lot. I unlocked the car Loki and I took from Stark and got into the driver's side. I reclined the back of the seat slightly and twisted around, laying the side of my face on the head rest and pulling my knees up to my chest.

I closed my eyes and let sleep overcome me, letting it wash over my rapidly thinking mind and calming me down from my irritation.


A loud blaring sound rang through my ears and jolted me from my sleep. I let my eyes snap open as I jumped up and glared at the person to my left. Loki was laughing his ass off next to me with an air horn in his hand.

I groaned silently and put the keys into the ignition, starting the car and pulling out of the parking space. I passed Happy in the parking lot and sped down the road, heading back to the compound.

It wasn't long before I was pulling into the long stretch of the paved driveway to the compound garage. The door to the garage opened and I pulled in, parking and tossing the keys to Loki as I got out of the car.

I walked up to my room and shut the door behind me, locking it before flopping down onto my bed.

I can't keep doing this. I can't keep letting my guard down around him. I can't fall for him. It won't end well for either of us. Only a few more weeks of this and I'll be free. No more rich team of assholes. No more training. No more fighting. No more violence. Everything as peaceful as it can get for me.

That's what I hoped for. But knowing my life, it most likely will not work out that way. Something will happen and I will get roped back into my life of running, fighting, and hiding. Nothing ends well for me so I wouldn't be surprised if things turned out that way.

Not too long after I flopped down on my bed, I was drawn into a deep sleep while my mind tried to sort out some things.


I woke up to soft lips pressing against my shoulder, which was exposed by my tank top. I let my eyes flutter open and was met with two blue-green ones.

"Good morning." Loki hummed against my bare shoulder.

"Morning." I spoke, smiling softly and snuggling closer to him, my head resting on his chest and our legs tangled together.

Loki snaked one of his arms around my shoulders, brushing his fingertips up and down my naked arm as he placed a kiss to my forehead.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

I nodded into his shirt, the top of my head bumping his chin ever so slightly.

"You hungry?" 

"Food sounds good."

"We have to get up then."

"Nevermind. Food can kindly fuck off. I'm comfortable."

Loki chuckled and kissed the top of my head before gently unwrapping his arms from around me.

"Quit moving."

"I have to get up."

"Fuck getting up. Stay laying down, you're a good pillow." I muttered, wiggling up closer to his face and wrapping my arms around his torso, pressing my cold nose into the crook of his neck.

"Y/n..." Loki looked down to me, a smile playing on his lips.

I looked up at him and pecked him on his upturned lips, returning the grin.


Loki sighed and sat up, taking me with him.

"Quit it, you bitch! I'm trying to sleep. Pillows aren't supposed to move as much as you do. It makes it hard for one to get their beauty rest."

I gripped tightly onto his shirt and nuzzled my face farther into the crook of his neck before wrapping my legs around his hips as he stood up.

"Y/n." He laughed. "Please?"

I removed my face from his neck and looked up at him.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my Loki?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned, giving me a confused stare as his eyebrows furrowed.

"You said please. So you're either very sick, or a fake. I assumed it would be the latter of the two since you are a literal god and you don't get sick that easily."

Loki chuckled and rolled his eyes before prying me off him and tossing me onto the bed. I flopped down on my back and let my limbs spread out like a starfish. I laughed and kicked his leg as he walked passed the bed.

"Hey, come back here! I need to see how you react to silver!" I shouted as he walked out of the bedroom and into the hall.

I heard him laugh from the hall and smiled to myself. I sat up and sighed happily before getting out of bed and following after Loki.


I opened my eyes and was met by the darkness of my bedroom in the compound. I sat up and ran a hand over my face before running it through my hair and smiling to myself. I quickly realized what I was doing and dropped my smile, pressing my eyes tightly shut and shaking my head before reopening them.

Well, shit.


I have no idea where this story is going.

I have ideas but I don't know where to incorporate them into what's going on so I might bring out the ever so trusty...

Drum roll, please!

*drum roll noises*

Time Skip!

In the next chapter. I'm not sure though. So bare with me.

Fair warning: Usually when I run out of ideas, shit happens and I make everything sad. So that may also happen.


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