Chapter 22

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I finished my Pop Tarts and hopped off the counter, my heels thudding against the hardwood floor as they collided with it. I placed my plate in the sink and felt another presence, that wasn't Loki, behind me. I sighed and turned around, finding Thor standing to the left of Loki, watching me.

"I'm Thor." Thor greeted.

I pressed my lips into a line and gave him a little half wave. Thor smiled at me and then realized who I was, his smile faltering slightly and his eyes widening.

"Is she still trying to kill us?" Thor whispered, leaning towards Loki but keeping his gaze directed at me.

"Not at the moment." Loki responded.

Thor nodded and stood up straighter, his smile returning slightly. He looked at me, then to the open box of Pop Tarts on the counter, and then back to me again. Loki looked back and forth between Thor and I, waiting for something.

"You like Pop Tarts too?!" He exclaimed giddily.

I raised my eyebrows slightly and gave a small and slow nod.

"What's your favorite flavor?" He asked, stepping closer.

I stepped back, gripping onto my pistol in the back of my pants, feeling uncomfortable by how close he was standing to me.

"Thor, she's uncomfortable. Back up." A women's voice sounded from behind the two men in frotn of me.

Loki and Thor turned around, looking at the source of the voice; Romanoff.

"I just wanted to know what her favorite Pop Tart flavor is." Thor defended.

"You don't need to be right in front of her to ask her that." Romanoff stated.

Thor took a few steps back but I kept my hand on my gun. I watched Romanoff as she grabbed something from the fridge.

"Take a picture it will last longer." She stated, looking up at me.

I lifted my hand up and flipped her off, rolling my eyes before walking past the trio. I made my way back to my room. Loki followed me into the room.

I'm going to change my clothes. You going to follow me in there and watch while I do that too?

Loki rolled his eyes and turned around, his back to the closet as I walked in, closing the door behind me. I took one look at the bare and empty closet in front of me and silently groaned before reopening the door.

I don't have any clothes here.

"You didn't think to order clothes when you were blowing all of Stark's money earlier?"

I shot him a glare before trying to walk out of the room.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked, stepping in front of me so I couldn't leave.

Back to my house. Don't worry I'll come back.

"I'm not falling for that."

Falling for what?

"I'm not going to let you go back home because you'll never come back."

I would never stab you in the back like that. That's such a boring form of betrayal.

Loki rolled his eyes and remained his ground, seeing right through my lie.

Fine. Would you like to come with me?

"This is a terrible idea."

Exactly why we should go.

Loki hesitated for a second, looking at me and narrowing his eyes.

"Fine." He sighed.

I smirked. I pushed past him and walked out of the room, flicking the light off as Loki followed.


Couldn't we just have teleported here or whatever with your witch powers? I complained in my mind.

We were only a few blocks from the compound and we've already been walking for what seemed like hours.

"I didn't think of it." Loki replied.

Bullshit. You damn well thought of it. You're just being an ass.

Loki smirked and continued walking. I crossed my arms and scowled as I walked beside him.

"I'm not a witch." Loki spoke after a few seconds of silence.

Yes you are.

"No I'm not. I think I would know if I'm a witch."

You're in denial.

"No I'm not."

Yes you are.

Loki groaned. I smirked and raised my chin, holding my head up high in accomplishment.

Why didn't we take one of Stark's cars? 

"Couldn't find the keys." Loki said.

One, how? There are like a million cars in that damn garage. Two, you're lying.

"I am not."

I may have only just met you, but I can tell when you're lying.

"No you can't."

Yes I can.

"Prove it."

Fine, I will. When you lie you make this face. It's like an angry puppy.

"I do not." Loki scoffed.

Yes you do. Your eyes get all soft and you tip your head down slightly and a tiny bit back. You furrow your eyebrows and look up at the person you're lying to from underneath your eyelashes.

"I liked it better when I couldn't read your mind."

Yeah me too.


It was about another half hour before we actually reached my house. I walked up the walkway and onto the porch of the old, run-downish house and opened the unlocked door, preparing for everything to be trashed and broken.

I walked through the door and found everything exactly how it was. My face must have shown the shocked expression I had on the inside, because Loki questioned it.

"We aren't animals, you know. Well, Thor and Stark, kind of. But most of us aren't." He informed. "The thud you hear the other night was Thor. He tripped over his own feet and faceplanted."

I let a slight smile crack through my facade at the thought of the God of Thunder tripping and falling while he was supposed to be being stealthy.

"We left everything as it was. We only came here for you and we only took your suit and swords." He continued.

I nodded slightly.

Maybe these guy aren't as bad as I thought. What the hell am I thinking? Of course they are. Right?

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