Chapter 37

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The next few days went by quickly. Thor ran out of Pop Tarts so he, Peter, Harley, and Happy all went to go get more. Stark checked in once, making sure we hadn't burned down the compound yet.

Nobody, except for Peter, Harley, and Thor, know that Loki and I went on a date. But that's only because Loki slipped up and kissed me with them in the room. Thor squealed like a fucking dolphin when he witnessed it, Peter just smiled awkwardly, and Harley just shrugged it off like he already knew it was going to happen.

We had agreed to keep it a secret for a little while, given the circumstances and how I'm still not fully on the rest of the team's goodsides. Not that there was anything to keep a secret. We weren't really dating. Well sort of. Are we? Ugh I hate feelings.

I figured out a few days after our date that Loki had been implanting dreams into my mind and keeping nightmares away almost every night. It was sweet. For once, I didn't have the fear of falling asleep at night because I knew now that I had nothing to be scared of. Sure, my past still creeps its way back into my life occasionally, but not as much as it used to when I first got here.


"Lady Y/n!" Thor exclaimed, excitedly knocking on my bedroom door repeatedly.

"Y/n!" Peter join in on the knocking.

I huffed and got up from where I was fiddling with a bullet at my desk. I sat the bullet down and walked over to the door, opening it just as the boys were about to knock again. I gave them a 'What?' look.

"Look outside!" Thor grinned childishly, practically bouncing up and down in the doorway next to Peter who was actually bouncing on the balls of his feet.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my desk, dragging my chair over to the far wall of my room and standing on it to look out.

Seriously. Who the hell puts windows up this high? Damn rich people and their excessive need to blow money on stupid shit they have no use for.

I peered out of my window and smiled to myself. The ground was blanketed with a thick layer of pearl white snow. The sky was a pale gray and snowflakes of all sizes fell down to join the rest of the snow on the ground.

"It's snowing!" Thor and Peter shouted simultaneously.

I went to hop off the chair but slipped, my sock sliding across the seat of the chair as I lost my balance, falling backwards slightly. I braced myself for impact, knowing I would be landing on the hardwood floor in a matter of seconds, but the collision never came.

Instead, I was caught by two cooler than the average human's, strong arms. I opened my eyes and was met by Loki's soft blue-green ones. He smirked and continued to hold me bridal style.

Thor, Peter, and Harley were long gone, outside the compound, having a snowball fight in the vastly open, snow covered yard.

"I guess you can say that you fell for me." He joked.

I shook my head and smiled lightly.

That was terrible. I laughed silently, knowing Loki could hear it in my mind.

"Really?" He questioned.

Definitely. Now put me down. I smacked his shoulder.

"I don't think I will." He smirked.

Loki... I narrowed my eyes at him before giving him puppy eyes, sticking my bottom lip out slightly.

"Don't look at me like that." He stared at me before rolling his eyes. "Fine." He removed his arm from under my legs and I replanted my feet on the ground.

I started to walk away but Loki kept his arm tightly wrapped around my back and waist, pulling me back to him and lifting up my chin with his free hand. He looked into my eyes and closed the gap between our faces. I let my eyes flutter closed as I kissed back.

I brushed my tongue over the seam of his lips, asking for permission to be let in. He accepted and parted his lips. Our lips moved in perfect sync as our tongues explored each others mouths. I slightly bit down on his bottom lip, nibbling at it.

I ran my hand up his chest and rested it on the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in his raven colored hair. He rested one hand on my hip, drawing me closer to him, and the other on the side of my face, caressing it gently. His thumb brushed against the skin that was exposed from my shirt, just above my hip bone. His cold skin sent shivers throughout my body.

The kissing slowed and soon we pulled away for air. Loki rested his forehead against mine and kissed my nose. I smiled and opened my eyes, meeting his gaze. I pulled away and searched my room for something.

I slipped on a pair of boots and a coat before walking back over to Loki and lacing our fingers together, squeezing his hand and pulling him towards the door.

Come on. I have an idea. I thought, my grin growing bigger.


I hate leaving A/Ns in the stories but this is the easiest way to get information to you readers.

I'm going to be cutting the Supernatural characters from this story.

Y/n will still know about the supernatural and will still know Charlie and the others, however, they will no longer be appearing in the story, whether it's text, call, or in person. She will still have the antipossession tattoo on her stomach, along with several other little tattoos that may or may not be coming soon.

My original plan for this story was going to have it end at 50 chapters, like my last two stories. However, seeing as adding the Supernatural characters and all that shit, this story is progressing slower than the others. So, it may end up being longer than that. But I'm not entirely sure yet.

Sorry for the long A/N,

~Your friendly neighborhood dumbass

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