Chapter 6

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I looked up to Loki and smirked, suddenly calm. He looked at me with wide eyes. I slipped my hand into my boot and grabbed my knife, flipping it around in my hand and sinking it into his stomach before he could react.

He grunted and I stood up, wincing as a pain shot through my side again. I ignored the pain and brought my knee up forcefully to Loki's crotch, knocking him down into a kneeling position before punching him in the jaw.

I pulled my knife out of his stomach and slid it into my boot, pulling my mask and hood up as I sprinted out of the cell, closing the door behind me and locking Loki in the cell.

I got about half way across the room in front of the cell before I ran into something, or someone.

I looked up and saw Loki.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Going somewhere?" He asked, his arms crossed and a smirk playing on his face.

I rolled my eyes and swung my leg around to kick him. He blocked it and swiped my other foot out from under me.

I fell backwards onto the ground and let out a heaving breath.

Why does this keep happening?

I kicked Loki in the knee, causing him to fall forward. I rolled out of the way before he could fall on top of me and crush me beneath him.

I quickly stood up and ran out of the room, making my way down the various hallways. I ended up running past Peter in one of the hallways.

"Oh hey, Vex." He greeted with a little wave before realizing what was happening. "Wait, Vex?! You're supposed to be in a cell. Where's Mr. Loki?"

I smirked and ran the other direction, cutting around the corner and ducking into a room which had an open door. I could hear Peter yelling for back up as I held my breath, trying not to give away my location.


I rolled my eyes and peered around the corner, scoping out the hallway for anybody coming after me.


I pulled my knife out of my boot and sprinted down the hall, trying my best to ignore the stabbing pain in my side. I made my way down several more hallways before coming across the room with my weapons.

I checked to make sure nobody was following me or was in the room before slipping through the doorway. I tucked my knife back into my boot and grabbed the box labeled Vex. I sat it down on the table and grabbed my katanas out, resheathing them into their respectable poutches that were attatched to the back of my suit. I reached into the box again and grabbed out my several other small knives that they had managed to find hidden on my person.

I was about to grab my pistol out of the box when an alarm started blaring. I quickly grabbed my pistol and checked the mag to see if they were dumb enough to leave it loaded. They weren't.

Damn it.

I darted my gaze around the room looking for any bullets or an actual loaded gun.


Everything was empty and drained of ammunition.

I slid my pistol into the holster on my thigh and made sure it wouldn't fall out, before running out of the room.

I ran into several agents in basic black combat suits. I fought them off, knocking them out before moving onto the next stage of my plan.

I ran through even more hallways.

How many hallways are in this damn place?

There were agents searching around the area I was running into. I ducked into an open doored room and held my breath, waiting for the agents to pass.

Once they walked past, I knocked them out from behind and ran down the hall. I made my way to the lab, which was surprisingly empty. I looked around for what I needed.

Loud footsteps approached and stopped when they reached the doorway. I smirked and turned around. "Earth's mightiest heroes" were now standing in the room with me, suits on and weapons ready.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a cell?" Stark asked.

I rolled my eyes and unsheathed one of my katanas.

"Put the weapon down, Vex." Rogers ordered.

I smirked.

"We don't want to hurt you, kid." Barton spoke.

He's lying. Take him out first.

I did as my mind told me to do and took out Barton first, just like I had done in our first fight, knocking him onto the gound by swiftly swiping his feet out from under him. I delivered several kicks and punches to the rest of the team.

The bigger the team, the harder they fall.

The fight had been moved to the living space of the compound. Stark tried to call for his suit but I stopped him. Grabbing one of my knifes and throwing it in his direction. It stuck into his abdomen. He fell down and wrapped his hand around the handle of the knife.

I took out the rest of them, either knocking them out, or injuring them enough to where they were unable to get up.

I smirked.

Romanoff shot at me from where she was laying down on the ground. I deflected each of the bullets with my blades except for one. The bullet buried itself deep into my thigh and didn't come out of the other side.

I let out a silent yelp and grabbed my leg, dropping my katana. I walked over to her and kicked her in the side of the head, knocking her out before grabbing her pistol and taking the bullets out, filling them into my pistol as I walked out of the compound, taking out any agents that got in my way.

I walked out into the freezing cold rain and tried my best to run to the only place I knew I was safe:


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