Chapter 43

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Ta-da! I grinned widely and stuck out my arms.

"What's this?" Loki asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

It's an ice skating rink!

"It's just a frozen lake."

Same thing. Here, put these on. I handed him a pair of skates and sat down on a bench to put mine on.

Loki complied and slipped on his skates. I stood up from where I was sitting and almost fell over.

"Have you ever actually ice skated before?" He asked, holding my hands to keep me steady.

No, but how hard can it be?

Loki rolled his eyes and we headed out onto the lake.

Okay, so maybe ice skating is a little harder than it looks. Who am I kidding? It's a lot fucking harder than it looks. By the first three minutes, I had already fell on my ass five times, almost landed on my face, and came severely close to getting in a fist fight with a pigeon for getting in my way.

After a while of Loki constantly catching me and holding on to me to keep me from falling more, I kind of got the hang of it. Sure, I still looked like a baby deer trying to walk for the first time, but it's progress nonetheless.

I let go of Loki's hands and skated away a few feet. Loki decided to be a bitch and show off his skills by doing circles around me, gradually getting farther away at each pass. I stopped my attempts at trying to skate more when I heard a slight crack beneath my feet.


I looked down at my feet. Sure enough, the ice had smaller cracks leading to one giant spiderweb of cracks directly underneath me.

Uhh Loki?

I stayed as still as possible as Loki continued to skate; he didn't hear me. Despite my attempts at staying still, the ice cracked some more before eventually it caved beneath me, sending me plunging into the freezing cold water below it.

My mind and my body went numb after the first few seconds. After what seemed like hours, I felt a hand grab me by the shoulders of my coat. I gasped for air and coughed up water as my face broke through the surface of the water. My teeth chattered together as shivers ran through my body.

"Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me?" Loki's voice rang through my ears.

I'm good. I just need a minute. Or twenty. I coughed again and tried to keep my eyes open.

With a sigh of relief, Loki picked me up in his arms and teleported back into the compound. He used his magic to change me out of my freezing, drenched clothes and into warmer, more comfortable ones. He wrapped several blankets around me and handed me a cup of hot tea.

"Any warmer yet?" He asked worriedly.


My teeth were still chattering together and I for sure knew that my skin was pale and flushed and my lips were a light shade of blue. The blankets and tea helped get my body back up to its normal temperature. However, I was still shivering.

"I'll be right back." Loki informed, standing up from where he was sitting on the edge of my bed and walking into the bathroom.

A few minutes later he came back into the room and flashed me a light smile as he walked over to me.

"I have water warming up for a bath. It should help warm you up the rest of the way." He spoke.

I nodded and stood up, shrugging off the blankets and throwing them back onto the bed. My body ached and my fingertips were still slightly numb as I walked into the bathroom. Loki followed me and hesitantly stood in the doorway.

I stripped off my clothes and slipped into the bathtub, the warm water instantly relaxing me. I felt my eyelids grow heavy and slowly close. I heard the water in the tub move as a body slipped in behind me. I force my eyes open slightly and looked back to Loki.

"Relax, darling. I'll help you." He spoke, his voice soft.

I leaned back against him and let my eyes flutter closed as he pressed a his lips to my temple. He wet my hair with the warm water before massaging soap into it and rinsing it out. He gently washed my body, occasionally pressing soft kisses to my bare shoulders. He finished rinsing the soap off before helping me out of the bathtub and using his magic to change me, and as well as himself, back into comfortable clothing.

He led me back into my bedroom and I slipped into bed, wiggling under the blankets as he moved in beside me. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest.

"You scared the shit out of me today. I thought I lost you." He spoke, his chest vibrating with every word.

It wasn't very fun for me either.

"Never do that to me again."

Trust me. I am never doing that again.

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and sighed. It was silent for a few minutes. However, that silence was broken when I sneezed. Which was followed by another.

Damn it.


I'm not really sure if I like this chapter or not. I feel like it's too cliche.

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