Chapter 38

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I pulled Loki by the hand out of my room and outside of the compound, joining Thor, Peter, and Harley in the freshly fallen snow.

"Y/n, I can't go out there." Loki stated, not moving past the doorway.

Why not? I asked, turning around and facing him.

"I don't believe that I can hold my Asgardian form out in the snow."

That doesn't matter. It's just us. Thor has already seen your true form, and I'm sure Peter and Harley won't mind.

"I'm not worried about you seeing my true form." He paused and looked around at the snow. "If I change forms, I can hurt you."

Loki, you won't hurt me.

"You don't know that. If my hand so much as brushes up against yours, it won't end well. You'll freeze instantly."

So we won't stand too close to each other. Problem solved. Let's go!

I walked away and trudged through the thick snow. Spinning in the snow and sticking my arms out, I met Loki's gaze from a far. He was still standing in the open doorway, not moving from his spot but watching me with a small smile on his face.

I huffed and bent down, packing some snow into a ball in my hands as a devilish smirk spreading across my lips. I drew my arm back and threw the snowball at Loki, hitting him square in the nose.

I laughed silently as he slipped and fell backwards, landing flat on his ass. He shook his head and wiped the snow off his face. His mortal form flickering into his Jotun one before going back to the way it was.

Loki stood up and balled up some snow in the palms of his hands. His mortal form faded to his Jotun form as the snow hit his bare skin, disappearing fully this time. His skin was now blue and his eyes were blood red.

Woah. That was cool. I thought, a grin spreading across my face.

He looked up to me before throwing the snowball hard enough to hit me in the shoulder and knock me back slightly. After that, we pretty much got into a full on snowball fight. Loki didn't move from his spot in the doorway and Thor and the two teens joined in at some point. 

"Thor, don't throw that!" Loki shouted from the doorway.

Thor drew his hand back, ready to throw a fairly large snowball that happened to be mainly ice. However, he didn't know this and threw it towards Harley. The ball of ice hit him in square in the back, knocking him over and causing him to fall face first into the snow with a yelp.

We all stopped what we were doing and stood there, hoping he was okay. It was a few seconds before he let out a muffled grunt. Peter walked over and pushed him onto his back.

"Peter? Peter, is that you?" Harley asked, reaching a hand out and feeling Peter's face.

I rolled my eyes as his acting became more dramatic. He let out a fake cough and flopped his head back into the snow.

"Peter, I can't move my legs."

"That would be because they are buried under the snow." Peter informed.

Harley groaned and let out another fake cough.

"Dude, you're fine. You're not dying." Peter assured.

"Then why do I see a bright light? Huh, Peter? How do you explain that?"

"That's the sun, dumbass."

"If I don't make it." He coughed again. "Tell Y/n that I said she's hot."

I rolled my eyes and picked up a ball of snow before chucking it at him, hitting him in the face.

"Hey!" He jumped up and wiped the snow off his face.

I crossed my arms and looked him up and down.

"Would you look at that! I can walk! I'm alive, Peter! I'm alive!" He cheered, bouncing around Peter before hopping onto his back.

"Get off me!" Peter yelped. "Harley, quit putting snow down my back!" He pushed Harley off his back and walked away.

Harley landed on his ass and dramatically flopped backwards into the snow.

"Doesn't anyone care that I could have died?"

I rolled my eyes and walked away, leaving him behind as I rejoined Loki in the doorway.

"Come on. Get inside before you freeze." Loki stated, placing a hand on my lower back after his Asgardian illusion was back up.

We walked back into the compound and Loki brought me up to his room. He opened the door and gestured for me to go in first. I did exactly that and walked in, immediately kicking off my shoes and shedding my coat before burrowing underneath the warm blankets on his bed.

Loki chuckled and shut the door behind him. He walked over to the other side of the bed and sat on top of the blankets, resting his back against the headboard of his bed and stretching his feet out in front of him. He summoned a book as I wiggled around, turning to face him.

He summoned two cups of tea and handed me one. I pulled my arms out from under the blankets and took one of the cups from him, drinking the hot tea and letting it's warmth travel throughout my body. I handed him the cup back and he sat it on the bedside table along with his half empty one.

"Comfortable?" He asked, resting his hand on my upper arm as I laid my head in his lap.

I nodded and he pressed his cool lips to my jaw. The touch sent a shiver down my spine, but it was not unwelcomed. My eyes grew heavy and within minutes, I was asleep with my head in Loki's lap and a mound of blankets wrapped around me like a burrito.

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