Chapter 15

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"I'm back, bitches!" Charlie shouted as she walked back into the room, holding her laptop over her head.

I pressed my lips into a smile and snapped myself out of my train of thought. I bit my lip and played with my lip ring that was resting at the right side of my bottom lip.

Charlie sat down on the floor, her back resting up against the side of my bed. Sam remained standing in the doorway as I walked over and hesitantly sat on the bed behind Charlie.

"I have to make a call. I'll join in later." Sam informed before walking out of the room.

Charlie turned on some show named Sherlock. I had never watched it before, nor did I know what it was.

Around 15 minutes in, I started to relax a little and ease up. That didn't last for long, however. I heard Sam yell something from downstairs but I wasn't able to tell what he was saying.

There was a wooshing sound before two men appeared in the room with Charlie and I. One had messy black hair and bluer than blue eyes. He was shorter than the other man and was wearing a suit with a tan trench coat over top of it. The other man was a few inches taller and had fanfiction green eyes and sandy brown hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a red button-up overshirt thing, jeans, and work boots.

I lept of the bed and pulled out my pistol, aiming it at them while glaring. I cocked the gun and stepped closer as the short one dropped an angel blade out of his coat sleeve and the other pulled out a pistol.

Charlie shot up from where she was sitting and placed a hand on my arm. She said something but I ignored it. I shrugged her hand off, keeping the men in my gaze. Sam came running down the hall while shouting something inaudible. He ran through the doorway and put his hands up.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't shoot." He yelled, stepping between me and the taller man so that my gun was aimed at his chest and the man's was on his back. "Y/n, drop the gun. We know them."

You might, but I don't.

I looked up to Sam and shot him a glare before changing my aim, pointing the pistol at the short one. Sam interfered again and put his hand on the top of the pistol, pushing it down gently and making my aim go to the floor. I narrowed my eyes at him and tightened my grip on my gun.

"Dean, drop the gun. Cas, put away the angle blade." Sam spoke, looking over his shoulder but keeping his chest to me.

Wait. This is Dean and Cas? Why the hell are they here? Great. Now more people know my identity.

I heard one of them groan. The one who was carrying the angel blade, who I assumed was Cas, put away his weapon and stood there awkwardly. I couldn't see Dean over the moose of a man in front of me but I assumed he was the one who groaned.

"I'm not putting the gun away until she puts hers down." Dean spoke.

"Dean, she's only got it out because you randomly appeared in her house." Sam informed.

I stepped to the side and looked at Dean from around Sam's arm. He rolled his eyes before putting the gun into the back of his jeans.

I kept my gun out. Sam looked at me. I gave him the 'what' look and raised my eyebrows a bit.

"Y/n, put the gun away. They won't hurt you." He stated.

You don't know that. Everyone hurts me at somepoint.

Sam kept looking at me. I groaned silently and rolled my eyes before tucking my pistol back into the back of my jeans. Sam stepped out of the way once my hands fell back to my sides. Dean and I narrowed our eyes at each other and I slowly reached for the knife tucked in my boot. Sam let out a sigh and grabbed my hand, pulling it away from my boot as I pulled the knife out half way.

"Sam, don't." Charlie warned.

I shot him a glare and without thinking, grabbed his wrist with my free hand and twisted it, digging my nails into his skin until he let go. He wouldn't let go so I lifted my caged wrist slightly and grabbed onto his wrist with that hand. I pulled him closer to me and ducked down, swifly kicking his legs out from under him. He let go of my wrist as he fell down to the ground.

I pressed my foot against his neck until it was choking him. I heard Dean pull out his gun and I did the same, mindlessly aiming it at him while glaring.

"Let him go." He hissed as Cas stepped forward.

"Cas, no." Sam choked out and Charlie talked quickly at the same time.

Cas hesitated before stopping in his tracks.

"Y/n, they won't hurt you." Charlie spoke.

Like I'm going to believe that now. Dean pulled a fucking gun on me twice, Sam grabbed my wrist when he should have known better than to touch me, and Cas was about to fucking smite me.

"Y/n, trust me." She placed her hand on my arm. I broke my gaze from Dean and looked to Charlie. "If they came here to hurt you they would have already tried something."

I looked back and forth betweent the four of them as Sam made choking noises from beneath my foot. I let out a quick breath before forcing myself to drop the gun and remove my foot from Sam's throat.

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