Chapter 9

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I grabbed my laptop from off the coffee table before sitting down on the couch and placing it on my lap. I opened it and looked to see if I could find anything on the location of where my next target is.

After about five minutes of searching, I got a pin on his location. I tossed my laptop onto the couch beside me and quickly stood up. The pain in my leg and side worsened but I ignored it as I grabbed my katanas off of the table and resheathed them on my back underneath my cloak. I pulled up my mask and hood before turning off the lights in the house and walking out the front door into the darkness of the night and the pouring rain.


I crept up to the large house in front of me. I climbed over the protective gate and landed on the other side of it in a kneeling pose. I looked up and narrowed my eyes from beneath my hood before standing up and sneaking around to the back of the house.

The lights from the inground pool and the large windows of the mansion were the only sources of light, giving me the perfect cover for lurking in the shadows. I watched my target from a far, my hand gripping the handle of my katana tightly.

As if it was on my side, the thunderstorm knocked out the power to the house, leaving me my perfect opportunity to walk through the now unlocked doors and sneak up on my target.

I stealthily ran up to the back door and slowly opened it, slipping into the dark abyss and shutting the door behind me. Stupid rich people and their stupid power locks. It's not that hard to use a key instead of relying on robots and electricity for everything.

I snuck up the steps and into the bedroom. His wife had her back turned to the door and was taking out her earings infront of the mirror.

"So I was thinking, tomorrow we could go up to the lake?" She spoke, hearing the quiet patter of my feet and thinking it was her husband.

I snuck up behind her, enough for her to see me in the mirror behind her. She gasped when she saw me.

Kill her.

I stepped closer to her and placed a hand over her mouth from behind she tried to scream but it was too late. I had already drug my katana across her throat. I felt her body go limp and I let go, letting her fall to the ground with a small thud.

Good job. Now kill the husband.

I wiped the blood off of my katana onto the blankets that were evenly spread onto the bed before sneaking back downstairs.

I slowly crept into the kitchen where the man I was hunting was scavenging for a flashlight. I ducked beside the kitchen island and tightened my grip on my katana. I heard the man shut the drawer, followed by a clicking noise and then a groan.

"Maria, where are the batteries for the flashlight?" He yelled.

No answer.

"Maria?" He called, walking past the kitchen island. I slowly followed him upstairs and into the bedroom.




He gasped as he saw his wife's dead body laying on the floor of their shared bedroom, her blood pooling and staining the carpet underneath her neck.

Now's your chance.

Kill him.

I crept up behind him, covering his mouth with my hand from behind and holding the sharp blade of my katana to his throat.

He tried to yell against my gloved hand but it came out as a muffled whimper. I smirked before slicing his throat open, holding his body up for a split second before removing my hand from his mouth and letting his body fall to the floor right next to his wife, blood pooling around his neck and head, his eyes still open yet not seeing.

I admired my work before, once again, wiping the blood that was on my katana onto the freshly made bed. I walked out of the room, stepping over the dead bodies and into the hallway. I made my way back downstairs and to the front door. I resheathed my katanas and made sure my hood was pulled up before walking out of the house.

I whistled as I walked back through the pouring rain and muddy front yard of the mansion. The whistling really adds to the whole bad guy thing. Luckily, I can still do that since it doesn't require any use of vocal chords. Those of which, I do not have.

Yep, you heard right. No vocal chords. The reason behind my muteness. Courtesy of the men I'm hunting down.

The scarring is the constant reminder of what happened that night, as is the whole not being able to speak thing.

I guess you're probably wondering; what happened?

When I was little, my parents got into some things they weren't supposed to. They pissed some people off, killed some people they weren't supposed to...and badabing badaboom they got themselves killed after a decade of running and hiding. Well, murdered technically. Their throats were slit, hence my methods of killing. And it all happened right in front of me.

Then, those bastards came after me. They thought, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." so they slit my throat as well. Well, they tried to. They made a little mistake and ended up slicing my vocal chords to the point they were unrepairable. They left me to die. But you see how that turned out.

Suprise, bitch! I'm still alive! Just not able to speak, which is a pain in the ass, but I manage. It makes me more stealthy anyway.

And now that brings up the question of: Who were those men you killed?


Anyone and everyone associated with the men who killed my parents and tore my life apart as I watched. Meaning, the men directly responsible for it, their wives, their families, none of them had children so that saved me the hassel of having to kill them too.

Hopefully now you see that I'm not really the bad guy here.

One more kill and my job is done.

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