Chapter 33

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"Would you like to accompany me to dinner tonight?" Loki asked, removing his hands from my hips. He took one of my hands in his and pressed his lips to my knuckles, not breaking eye contact and maintaining a smirk the entire time.

Depends. Will this dinner require me to dress fancy? I raised an eyebrow.

"Most likely"

If you take me to a fancy restaurant I will kick you.

"No fancy restaurants, noted."

Damn it. I really wanted to kick you.

Loki let out a chuckle and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"What?" Loki grumbled.

The door opened slightly and Peter popped his head in.

"Dad wants everyone downstairs in the meeting room." He informed.

Loki nodded and shooed Peter out of the room before turning back to face me.

"We'll talk later." Loki winked before walking out of the room.

I rolled my eyes and laughed silently before following him down to the meeting room. We walked in and sat down beside each other. I leaned back in my chair as I stretched my legs out and crossed my feet on the top of the large table.

Stark stood at the front of the room where everyone could see him, while everyone took their seats as they arrived.

"Robin Hood, get your feet off the desk." He ordered.

I rolled my eyes and put my feet down as Stark started to speak.

"You are probably all wondering why I called you down here." He started.

Five minutes into the 'meeting' I got bored and sighed loudly. I ignored the rest of his annoying ass speech and spun around in my chair. Yawning, I leaned my head back and stretched before resuming fucking around in my chair.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you?" Stark asked, looking at me.

Yes, actually, you are. I thought.

"She says yes." Loki translated for me, laughing slightly.

Stark rolled his eyes and continued talking. He rambled on about something to do with missions and training at first. Then, moved on to talk about how he is, and I quote, "possibly, metaphorically, maybe literally, most likely, married to Stephen." Which it's not that hard to tell. Even if they aren't married, they sure do act like it. He then went on to say how he over half of the team, are going on a mission in Germany, and won't be back for two weeks at the least. Leaving only Thor, Peter, Harley, Loki, and myself, in the compound, alone, during that time.

I mentally cheered to myself and smirked. He can't possibly think that leaving the five of us alone in the compound for weeks on end will be a good idea. I wasn't complaining though. The team would be leaving tonight and would only be in contact for the first few days, seeing as they would be out of cell range for the rest of the trip.

"Have in mind, there are cameras everywhere, and Jarvis will be watching over you at all times. Don't try anything stupid." Stark spoke, looking to Loki and I and raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you looking at us?" Loki asked, putting on an innocent look.

"Do you not remember the stunt you two pulled a few weeks ago?"

I laughed silently as the memory flooded through my mind.


Flashback to a few weeks ago~

Loki and I snuck down to Stark's lab at midnight. Everyone was already asleep and all the lights were turned off.

We walked down to the lab and opened the door, slipping in and shutting it behind us. I flicked on the lights.

"You know he's going to be pissed, right?" Loki asked.

"That's what makes it so much better." I thought, smirking lightly.

Loki returned the expression and lifted his hand up. With a swift move of his hand, and a flash of green magic, the entire lab was turned upside-down. Every object and item, now on the ceiling, and the lights, now on the floor.

I laughed silently to myself and nodded my head in approvement.

~End of flashback


"Seriously? I'm standing right here." Stark stated.

"We didn't even say anything." Loki defended.

"No, but you were thinking about it."

 He's not wrong for once. I smirked.

"Meeting adjourned." Stark spoke. "Pack your bags, we're going to Germany."

"Meet me in the living room at seven." Loki stated, leaning over to me as he stood up.

I nodded and he walked out of the room. I stood up and went back up to my room.

Closing the door behind me, made my way over to my bed and flopped down onto it. Then it all hit me.

What am I doing? This is exactly what I was avoiding. I wasn't supposed to get attatched and now look at where I'm at. I was supposed to be out of here by now. God damn it.

What if it's a good idea? What if staying here turns out better than I thought?

I groaned silently and sat up, pulling out my phone and opening my messaging app. I clicked on my latest conversation and sent a text.

Me: How do I get ready for a date?

Not a minute later, I got a response.

Charlie: Date?! Who?!

Me: Not important

Charlie: It's the one you said you hate, isn't it

Me: Yes now help me

Charlie: I knew it!

Charlie: Okay, where are you going?

Me: Dinner I think

Charlie: Where something casual but not too casual. Something fancy but not too fancy.

Me: I don't do fancy

Charlie: Fine

Charlie: Where something different from what you usually wear but not too different

Me: Thanks

Charlie: Call me later with the details!

I sighed and put my phone away.

Why am I nervous?

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