Chapter 35

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When you created that dream in my mind the other night... I started.

"Hmm?" Loki hummed from across the counter.

Did you give me the ability to speak in it? Or was that just my mind chipping in? I asked, spinning my wine glass around on the island in front of me.

"I did that."


"Well, you get frustrated when people don't understand you, for one. And I like your voice."

What's it like?

"What's what like?" He asked, taking a sip of his wine.

Hearing my thoughts. Do you hear them in my voice?

He nodded.

"It's quite strange, actually."

How so?

"You see, when you laugh, you physically can't make any sound. However, I can hear it through your thoughts. Both your voice, and your laugh, are beautiful, by the way."

I failed miserably at hiding the smile and the blush that were creeping their way onto my face. I was about to say something, when the oven beeped, cutting me off and signalling loudly that dinner was ready.

Loki turned around and opened the oven, reaching in to grab the tray.

Wait, Loki don't- 

He drew his hand back quickly and hissed.

The oven is hot, dumbass. You can't just use your bare hands. I scolded, hopping off my stool and walking over to the oven.

I grabbed the tray out of the oven using the oven mitts and sat it down on the stove before turning to Loki.

Give me your hand. I reached out my hand and gestured for him to place his in it.

Loki stuck out his hand so that it was resting in mine, palm up. I wet down a hand towel with cool water and pressed it gently to his hand. He winced slightly and glared at me.

Quit being a baby. You'll live.

I let the towel rest on his hand for a few moments later before removing it and placing it on the counter top.

Come with me.

I pulled him by his non-injured hand into the med bay. I grabbed some antibiotic cream stuff to sooth the burn. I gently rubbed it on his hand before wrapping it in medical gauze and letting go of his hand.

You heal fast, but it will take a little longer to this time because of your Jotun genes. Since you naturally run cold, the burn had more of an impact on both your Asgardian, and your Jotun forms. Don't mess with the bandage too much. You'll be fine by the end of the night.

"How exactly do you know all this?" He asked.

If you mean the taking care of injuries; when you've had a decent amount of wounds and burns over the past few years, you pick up on a few things along the way. As for the healing thing; I got bored one day and the only book I could find was on Jotunheim and Asgard.

Loki smiled lightly and nodded before looking down at his wrapped hand.

"Thank you." He spoke, looking up at me, his blue-green eyes softer than usual.

I flashed him a small smile. He moved his non-bandaged hand, hovering it over my cheek before looking to me for permission. I nodded slightly and he softly caressed the side of my face. For the first time, I didn't flinch at his touch. Instead, leaning into it as he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine.

My eyes fluttered closed and I parted my lips slightly as I kissed back. I placed my hand (the one that wasn't holding Loki's burned one) on his forearm, his cool skin in contrast with my warm one. I felt Loki smile into the kiss before he withdrew his lips from mine. He brushed his thumb over my cheekbone and I let my hand drop back down to my side.

"We should probably eat before the food gets cold." He spoke.

Can't you just heat it up with your witch fingers? I teased.

"How many times will I have to tell you? I am not a witch." He scoffed playfully while rolling his eyes.

You can say it over and over a thousand times. It will just go in one ear and out the other. Face it, Lokes, you're a witch. I smirked.

Loki let out an exasperated sigh and placed another quick, gentle kiss to my lips, pulling away all too soon. He laced his fingers with mine and led me back to the kitchen.

I refilled our glasses as Loki distributed the food onto two plates. He sat the dishes onto the table and pulled out my chair for me. I rolled my eyes and sat down.

We ate and talked for the next half hour before getting up and placing our dirty dishes in the sink. Loki waved his hand and green magic swirled around the dishes. Suddenly, they were all clean and put back into their respective places.

Show off.

Loki chuckled and rolled his sleeves back down to his wrists. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. Loki followed after me and sat down on the couch as I took off my boots. I sat down on the other end of the couch and turned turned on the TV, pressing play on a movie.

I glanced at Loki out of the corner of my eye. He was sitting with his feet stretched out in front of him and his back resting against the arm of the couch while reading a book. A sigh escaped his lips as a small smile spread across them. He let go of the book with one hand and lifted his arm up.

"Would you like to sit with me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I hesitated before moving over to him, laying with my head on his chest and my back to the back of the couch. I rested one of my hands on his collar bone as his arm draped around me, his hand resting on my upper arm gently.

"Comfortable?" He asked, adjusting the way he was sitting slightly.

I nodded into his shirt and smiled lightly.

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