"Hyung, how long until dinner is ready?" Tae asked, looking back at Jin, licking at his lip subtly.

"Shouldn't be long. Did Yoongi and Hobi reply yet?" Jin shot a glance over in our direction, I soon realised he was asking Joon as he picked up his phone off the table.

"Yeah, they just did. Said they're five minutes away," he answered. The door creaked and Jungkook came back out wearing a baggy hoodie and sweats.

"What I miss?" he flashed me a tiny smile before making himself comfortable next to Jimin. The way he sat back and leaned on his arm, bent his leg, he appeared much less shy than usual.

"We got snacks" Tae replied, shifting so his knee was slightly overlapping mine.

"Where?" Jungkook, within seconds, was back on his feet and scouring the kitchen bench. Jin pointed them out so he grabbed a few packets, took his seat again and scattered them across the table.

"Don't go too crazy, we have that concert next weekend" Joon said from beside me.

"Concert?" I looked to Joon questioningly. But, it was Jimin that replied.

"We're doing a Live Trilogy, BTS Begins. It's going to be at the Olympics Hall" He beamed, grabbing one of the gummy bears out of the packet Jungkook had just ripped open and popping it in his mouth.

"Ohh. No way, that's a big deal!" I exclaimed, recalling the venue in question to be quite well known. Suddenly the door opened and Yoongi and Hoseok came in.

"What's a big deal?" Yoongi asked, catching the last of our conversation.

"The concert next weekend. That's why we've been so busy. Preparing for that, as well as working on the new album" Joon answered Yoongi before looking back at me humbly.

"Ohhhh. The concert, right. 2,500 capacity" Hoseok added as he followed in behind Yoongi. They put their things down by the door and took off their shoes.

"Mm. And both nights are sold out" Yoongi grinned, settling down on the cushion beside Jungkook. Hobi made himself comfortable at the end of the table next to Yoongi.

"Congratulations~" I hummed, it really was amazing. If I wasn't mistaken, they'd only debuted two years ago, yet, they were already selling out shows with such impressive numbers. I received a few thanks from around the table.

"Alright! Finally, we're all done. Someone help me serve" Jin turned, pointing his spatula over at us. Hoseok and Jimin were the first to get up and lend a hand.

"Ah, let me take care of the drinks then," Yoongi half groaned, getting up and going to the fridge.

Tae leaned a little closer to open some space for Jimin and Hoseok to set up the table. His arm propped behind me, cheek nearly touching mine as he watched plates being set down and a round of shots being poured. I tried to stay still until they'd finished, I was already practically in his lap.

Once everything was set out on the table Tae leaned back and I relaxed. Jin took the last seat between Yoongi and Tae. Hoseok helped to hand out shots as the remainder of them were poured. As though one big happy family, we began to serve dinner, clink glasses in cheers, and get lost in the comfort of each other's company.

Seeing as the dishes were spread widely across the table Tae had taken it upon himself to reach over and pick things to place on my plate. It was so sweet of him, the way he continually cared for me. I didn't want to admit it but, it made me feel like I was his girlfriend.

Joon, on the other hand, had been refilling my glass whenever I emptied it. Seeing as most of the boys drank eagerly I followed along, matching their pace. By the time everyone had eaten their fill the two youngest went to clear the table and wash up. As soon as they were done and sitting back around the table more shots were poured and handed out. By this time I could already feel a warm flush to my cheeks.

The Most Beautiful Moments In Lifeᵖᵗ¹ // OT7 BTS FF x OCWhere stories live. Discover now