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Valerie was getting ready for a party, in a simple outfit. Fezco wanted to go figuring Nate Jacobs would be there he wanted to kill him. They had a plan set in place, she walked out the room and hugged Ash, he slithered his hands around her waist. "Aight..this the night everything goes to an end, i can't stand that motherfucker anymore." Fezco said as he walked out with Ash and Valerie. They arrived at the party, it was crowded already. Valerie barged through the loud crowds eventually finding Nate, Fez and Ash weren't far behind. "Hey..Nate..I uh just wanna say sorry for being so mean to you.." Valerie said holding his hand. "How about we make it up in the bathroom huh?" Valerie was trying her best to be flirty. "I knew you liked me." Nate said bringing her to the bathroom, she winked At Fezco and Ash as a sign. They stayed outside the bathroom as Nate lifted her on the counter.

Fezco and Ash entered the bathroom shutting and locking the door behind them holding a gun to Nate Jacob's head. Valerie knew this was for real so she just stood behind Ashtray. Valerie closed her eye as she heard the gunshot and the bodythud. The loud music was so loud it wasn't even heard. Valerie opened her eyes to see a dead Nate Jacobs, Fezco wiped the gun and softly placed it in Nate's hands to make it look like a suicide. They then left the bathroom unoticed as Fezco went to go chat with Lexi. Ash and Valerie went upstairs to an empty bedroom. "I love you Ash, you make me so happy." Valerie said looking at him, he was smiling. "I love you too ma..best girl I've ever been lucky of fuckin' meeting and you all mine..ma" Ash said laying down as he brought her into his arms.

Meanwhile with Fezco and Lexi they were hugging too, kind of making out. Fezco and her had started dating and everything was going well for all of them. They had healthy relationships and everything was going their way. All their worries were gone, Ash and Valerie weren't scared of losing eachother. They were there to protect one an other. "I've never felt like this with a girl..it's so new to me, to have someone fuckin' care for me..even if i already knew you I've never felt this close with you then i am now ma." Ash was being very emotional and opening up to her. "I've never felt this way either..being with you has made me realise that i didn't deserve what happened to me, i deserve someone like you and you deserve someone like me..we need eachother.." Valerie commented, as Ash pulled her in for a soft kiss, they held each other like it was the last time they were ever gonna do this. She was his drug. He was her drug. They were so in love for being just seventeen but they didn't give a fuck..no matter how many shitty words, threats or ups and downs they would stay together till they died at least that's what they wanted. Fezco and Lexi also had this type of love, passionate and sweet.

They were right, they did need eachother, they had developed an addiction to eachother. To eachothers touch, words, sex, passion and everything. They were eachothers drugs.

My drug. Ashtray X Reader.Where stories live. Discover now