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Valerie was taken aback by Ash's words. She didn't expect him to say that since he was never this affectionate with anyone only his brother Fezco. So to see him growing a liking to Valerie it made her beyond happy. Ash was confused by the sudden silence thinking he did something wrong but soon Valerie spoke up and said. "I like you too Ash and I'd like to get to know you more since we've grown apart these past few years."  Ash smiled.

Fezco eventually walked in seeing the two cuddled up, he started laughing at the sight of his little brother finally opening up to someone that wasn't him. "Yo Ash she your girlfriend now bro?" Fezco laughed even more as Ashtray stood up. "It's not funny man! We aren't togetherr" Ash yelled, he looked and sounded like a big baby. That's when Valerie started laughing. "Aight okay enough, we gotta go somewhere Val you comin' Rue gon' be there." Fezco asked as Val quickly nodded deciding to just stand up and go in the outfit she was already in.

Once they were in the car and Rue was picked up at her house some rap music started playing. Me and Rue started yelling. "I'M SLIM SHADY YES I'M THE REAL SHADY ALL YOU OTHER SLIM SHAD-" They were cut off by Ash saying to his brother "Yo can you tell them to shut the fuck up." His brother followed up on "Y'all really need to chill back there..this shi' serious. Rue and Valerie stayed silent the whole ride as the music kept playing and they were resisting the urge to yell the lyrics again. Once they all arrived. Fezco got out and talked to this random dude named Custer, Valerie knew he was the guy that had a broken nose from Ash..oh yeah throwback.

  A couple days before.

They were doing another deal, Ash was still thinking about the time with Mouse, how he touched Valerie.. Ash couldn't contain his anger so he decided to grab a hammer that's when he attacked and jumped on the couch and slammed the hammer into Mouse's head and then into Custer's nose. That shit was crazy Valerie thought but she also enjoyed seeing them both in pain.

Present day.

Valerie pov:

There was this blonde girl, she was quite skinny and clearly had lip injections..too much if you asked me but i wasn't one to judge. She got in the car as Ash got out, Fez told us to stay in the car once again and then left with Custer. "Hi I'm Faye" So her name was Faye, Cute name. We had a conversation, she talked slow but she was nice until she said this about Fez. "You're probably licking that gingers ass for oxys or whatever the fuck your into. She said as i stared at her inject heroine into her inner thigh. Before she could finish we were all dragged out the car by these random tatted men. That's when i saw Ashtray, Fezco and Custer. "So you bring two 12 year olds..two junkie whores and a motherfucker i don't know!" The man yelled as he said. "Aight everyone get naked." Ash almost immediately did it as the man spoke up again. "Not you two no one wants to see that!" The man yelled and told another guy to bring us to the closet. I felt myself panicking but just walked to the closet with Ash.

Third person:

Ash and Valerie were now in the closet, Ash holding onto Valerie closely. Even though Valerie had been in these situations before with her dad she was still scared of these things. Valerie smiled as she felt comfort in Ash's arms and Ash felt the same. Valerie looked at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You are the best person I've ever been lucky to meet." Valerie said as Ash smiled at her gently. Ever since they had gotten closer she saw Ashtray was smiling a lot more and felt a little less anxious, even if he tried not to show it she could tell when he panicked and was anxious. Ash was about to speak up before the closet door opened and they were walked out to the living room again.

After doing their business with the dealers Ash, Fezco, Val and Rue walked out to the car. Valerie and Rue looked at eachother with a shocked expression that's when Rue started laughing and Val laughed at rue Laughing. "Fuck stop laughing"  Val said as she kept giggling.

Rue then spoke up. "That, That honestly was the craziest shit, what was it with the dude with the fucking long hair and the gun what was his deal now that was a fucking look wasnt it? Jeez, oh my god And when old boy took me to the back i thought for sure i was gonna yknow..oh fuck.." Rue said but just as everyone thought she was finished, she continued. "That lady, let me just say..she is a fucking gangster! She's a fucking gangster they all work for her.."

That's when Fezco yelled. "Why you act like that shit was fun Rue!?" Valerie was observing not really knowing what to say, Ash was clearly mad. "For real you pissin' me off actin' dumb as fuck right now! Goddamn all smilin' and laughin' and shit..Y'know half of that shi was y'alls fault too!" Fezco yelled again as he was also refering to Valerie since she was kind of giggling. "Fuckin' around acting stupid!" Rue then spoke up as she kept laughing. "I'm just saying how many female drug dealers do you know.." Rue asked. Fezco replied. "Good ones?" Rue replied with a yes and he looked at Ash before saying. "One." Valerie knew he was referring to his grandma. "That's what I'm saying shits gotta change." Rue slapped her knee and that's when the whole car was silent.

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