Meeting Them

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You ponder on it for a while, but eventually decide to meet this mystery person. 

You look for the white coat and sunglasses, and see them on someone. They take off their hood once they see you walking towards them.

"Steven?!" You yell, in shock. 

Everyone in the cafe turns to look at you, but you don't care.

Steven goes red and looks embarrassed from all the attention.

"Why was today your last day?" you question.

Steven just smiles, and doesn't say anything. 

"Well?!" you demand, concerned for him.

He still doesn't respond, and merely unbuttons his coat. You look down. He's wearing a tube top and a skirt.

"But...why...?" you start to question.

Steven pulls out a pink wig that is styled in a high ponytail. Steven was the mystery mute girl!

"But...why was today your last day?" you ask again.

"Because now I'm going to start living my truth. I'm a guy who loves drag! I'm gonna go by Steph Sparkles now!" he beams.

You can't help but be happy for him.

"Actually, I've always been so...cold, mean, and violent..." he starts.

"Not to me!" you say.

"No, not to you. Because I like you, Y/N. You've been so kind to me, and I can't stand to lose you, so..." he hides his face, turning away.

His body quivers a bit, and you can tell that he's forcing back tears.

"I like you, too, Stev--er, Steph. You've been so nice and helpful to me. And thank you for helping me get rid of Jason!" you smile.

He gives a nervous, shaky laugh, still trying not to cry.

"I fully support you, Steph!" you add.

"I...I used to be a bad boy, but...after hearing what Jason scared me into being better..." he lets a tear fall.

"Now, hurting people still comes naturally if my friends are in danger or if I am, but...I wouldn't hurt a fly if it did nothing to me now" he finishes.

"Steph, I know"

"How? Did you know me a few years ago?"

"I...know you in ways that you wouldn't expect. And Jason, too"

Of course, Steph wants to know what you mean by that, so you explain the dreams and how real they felt.

He goes pale once you explain, and looks like he's going to be sick.

"Y/N...I think you have more power than you realize"

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Where stories live. Discover now