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"My mother's gone. She left once she found out my mom was cheating on her, so now it's just mom and I. Living with a cheater makes me feel disgusting, but what can you do, right?" Jason tells you randomly on the car ride to the restaurant.

You can't really relate to misfortunes in your life in the same way that he can, but you sort of can understand where he's coming from. You have an understanding family who supported you after you came out, but the people at school don't give you that same support.

"I picked up a few shifts at the diner right by your house, by the way. My mom's brother owns it, so he lets me work there for some extra cash!"

"You mean your uncle owns it?" you question him.

"He's no uncle of mine." Jason answers flatly.

"O-oh..." you decide not to pry. Family business is family business, after all.

Wait, how'd he know where you lived?

"This is Mother's old truck. She let me have it when she left. Funny, I was only six when she was gone!" he laughs his pain away.

You sit silently, uncomfortable. You feel bad for him, but what can you say?

"Since she left, I decided not to ever let something like that happen again. Nobody close to me is ever walking out on me again!" he's so mad he nearly hits the tree, jerks the wheel back, and nearly hits an innocent car that has the misfortune of driving beside you.

You yelp a bit in fear, and his eyes dart over to you.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry! I'll be more careful! Are you alright?"

All you can do is nod.

Jason is a bit scary, but you can always end it after tonight if things go too far.

You can always escape him.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Where stories live. Discover now