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Jason is civil for the entire night. He never tries anything or forces himself on you. He also seems more confident in himself and less sub-y.

Upon talking to him, you find out that the two of you have a lot in common. You like the same things, for the most part. Even his favorite food is your third favorite! It's almost as if he's a near-clone of you! But it's not like he did that on purpose though, right? It's just a coincidence!

He drives you home and stops the car once it gets in the driveway. He fidgets with his hands a bit.

"Y/N? I had a great time tonight. I'd love to go out with you again, if you're up to it. No rush, though!" He says, a bit nervously, and slips you a piece of paper.

You look at it.

It's a bunch of numbers. No, a phone number.

That's odd, you already had his number. He gave it to you at school after he asked you out. Maybe this is just his home phone number? Or a backup? Either way, you smile and say thank you before turning and walking away.

"That's my friend's number, in case you ever need to get ahold of me and I'm not answering my phone!" he calls out to you.

You find that a bit strange, but you don't question it. Maybe he's just clingy? Who knows! Either way, it's time for some rest. You're exhausted, and you need to get to sleep.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Where stories live. Discover now