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Jason drags you into a random car you've never seen before. He has the keys, so he starts the car without effort and drives off before you even have the chance to put your seatbelt on.

"Wait! Jason! Whose car is this?! Where are we going?!"

He doesn't reply.

You suddenly are reminded of the phone number that Jason gave you as a backup on your first date. He said it was his friend's number, so you decide to text a simple "hi" to test it out.

Jason's phone doesn't seem to have received the message.

You buckle yourself quickly, and see a response to your text.

"Who is this?"

"I'm Y/N, and Jason has me in a strange car going idk where and I'm scared"

You decide to trust the person on the other end of the phone. They could be someone who can help you, after all. It's not like they could do anything worse to you than Jason has.

"Alright, Y/N. Is it blue or black?"


"Help is on the way, stay put, and DON'T look suspicious"

You sigh with relief and lean back into your seat. You don't bother to ask who the person was. You can always ask later.

You put your phone away and stare out the car window, trying to remember street signs or buildings. You make sure your phone location is on.

Jason pulls into the driveway of a small, dilapidated building. You stay still and silent, waiting for directions. When Jason gets out of the car, you quickly pull out your phone and check the GPS. 

Not having enough time to send a full text, you screenshot the address that appears on the map and send it to the number. You get an extremely blurry house photo, too, and send that, before Jason comes. You hide your phone.

"Come on, my precious babyboy!" Jason grabs your wrist and brings you into the old building.

You don't resist, knowing that help is on the way. You can't wait to see who shows up. You hope you'll get to meet the person on the other end of the phone. Maybe they're nice!

You don't have to worry very long, though. 

Jason throws you onto a chair and ties you up. You look confused, since you know who your captor is, but don't say anything.

"I just need to kidnap you for a little while, honey" He purrs.

You nearly gag.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. It's the police, to nobody's surprise.

"We're here to get back Y/N Y/L/N, who we know is in your custody" One officer says.

"Search warrant?" Jason asks.

You're facing away from him, but you can feel his evil smile from where you're seated.

"Help me! I am Y/N Y/L/N and Jason brought me here in a car and has me tied up!" You scream, way louder than you need to.

The officers rush in and rescue you.

You're safely home, and Jason is arrested.

Nobody can hurt you now.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Where stories live. Discover now