The Date...Again

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You arrive at the restaurant and take your seats.

"Mother left me some money, as well. She sends some every month so she doesn't have to deal with me or Korie." Jason says, nonchalantly.

You clear your throat a bit, hoping he'll stop oversharing.

"You know, you're super cute, Y/N. I doubt you hear that very often. Everyone at school is a bunch of jerks to you, huh?"

You glare at him, signaling for him to change the subject.

He gets it.

"So, this place is pretty nice, huh? It's not McDonald's, but you won't spend your life savings on a burger and steak, either!"

You smile at him. He's somehow the whole package. Kind, scary, and beautifully average!

"You know, I dated this girl once. She was so great, but one day she just...disappeared." Jason says, sadly.

"Then a few years passed and I realized I was bi and now I'm dating you! Don't ever disappear on me, Y/N! That girl? I found her myself. I sniffed her out! She smelled like other men, so I made sure she REALLY disappeared!" he laughs maniacally.

Giving somebody the benefit of the doubt only goes so far. You can only imagine what that poor girl went through.

That's it. You're ending it after tonight. You can always walk away if things don't work out, after all.

Jason orders the most expensive thing on the menu, and you order your favorite meal.

"Going with your favorite, huh?" Jason smiles at you.

Did you ever tell him your favorite food? It's hard to keep track.

He chats the night away about his mom, mother, little sister Korie, and you.

You wait until he drops you off at your house to tell him that you want to end it.

"Jason, you're a great guy, but I didn't feel a connection. I'm sorry. Can we still be friends?"

He looks like his heart was shattered.

"Ah! Of course..." he trails off, visibly fighting back his tears.

"...Goodbye, Y/N." he drives off.

You feel awful, but it had to be done.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Where stories live. Discover now