Magical Y/N

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You're standing with Steph over a magic circle, despite not wanting to be there.

"Y/N, you must call me Steven and call Jason Anneschesloven. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Steven" you reply.

"Who were you romantically involved with?"

"Anneschesloven" you reply, confused.

"Good. And what do you know about me?"

"Steven once grabbed a non-binary person by the arm and kissed them on the lips" you remember from your dream.

Java flashes into your head, and you get a headache. You wimper as you hold your head in pain.

"Just hold on..." Steven whispers to you.

Winds start to swirl around you, flinging dust everywhere, and your heart beats twice as hard. It feels like you're two people at once, with two peoples' thoughts crammed in your head.

"Anneschesloven, you will now be called Y/N and you will forget all about me and your former flame!" Steven yells out to you, over the winds.

"WHAT?! No! Steven!" you start to yell, but your voice is drowned out by the winds. Soon, you can no longer visibly see Steven.

You start to cry. Jason. Ruined. Everything!!!

The dust settles and you're all alone in a dimly lit room. You can barely move. You can barely speak.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu