Jason Never Leaves

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Jason is in jail. Steven is gone. Java has been missing from school for the past week. You don't want to live like this anymore. You're alone. You're lonely. You hate it.

"Hey, Y/N!" you hear someone call from behind you.

You slowly turn around to see who it is.

There's nobody there.

You sigh and continue walking home from school. It's been an entire week since all that magical drama happened, and your guardian(s) finally decided to force you to go to school today, much to your dismay.

You make your way home, and, for the first time in a week, look at yourself in the mirror. 

The face you see is not your own, but it seems familiar in a way. You're not sure how, and you really don't care.

Your hair length, color, and eye color have all changed. Even your skin color is practically opposite to your original color!

In fact, you look almost like...

The realization hits you.

You rush to the toilet and puke.


He never left. He's living inside of you. Steph TOLD YOU this would happen!


And it's enough to make you sick.

But you seem more like pre-transition Jason. What was his deadname again? You can't seem to remember.

"Y/N!" you're called down to eat.

You throw up one last time, wipe your mouth, and shakily make your way down to the table.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Where stories live. Discover now