Anneschesloven Amoradez-Elventriquoff

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"I choose...Anneschesloven Amoradez-Elventriquoff!"

I nearly vomit out of anxiety. Why did he choose me?!

Whatever. Regardless, I'm stuck being the bad boy's best friend. This isn't some Wattpad story, I want out!

I want out.

I want out!

Y/N, let me out!

Only you can let me out!

Help me!

You wake up, in a cold sweat. You feel like vomiting now, yourself. Is Anneschesloven alright?

Plus, how are you supposed to help him get out?

You go to school and are greeted by Jason again, this time with a rose in his hand.

"I can be romantic, Y/N! Take this rose!" he's kneeling and holding it out, as if it's a marriage proposal.

"I'm sorry, Jason, but it just didn't work out. I'll give you the money back from my meal last night if you want..."

"No! Take the rose, that's all!"

You sigh and take his rose.

"I kissed that rose! I even licked it a little, where you're touching now. Now you're my boyfriend since you touched my spit! See, everyone? I knew he loved me!" Jason laughs, beaming.

Alright. You like yanderes and all, but touching someone's spit is just gross. You drop the rose to the floor out of both shock and disgust, and run to the bathroom to wash your hands.

"I love you, boyfriend!" Jason calls out to you in a lovey-dovey voice as you run.

At lunch, he sits so close to you that your sides are touching. This is just great. How fun. Definitely not uncomfortable at all. You can't help but think these sarcastic thoughts.

"Hey, do you know any Stevens?" you ask on a whim.

"I know a Steven Dirken." he smiles.

"Who is he, and what's he like?"

"He's very cold and distant. You wouldn't like him" he snaps, and pulls you into his side.

"Ow! Uh, what if I already...know him?"

The fury in Jason's eyes, and on his face, and balled up in his fists, is immeasurable.

"WHERE?!" he screams at you while squeezing your arm tight, making you jump in fear, and yelp out in pain. This guy is STRONG!

"TELL ME NOW!" he punches the table.

"I'LL KILL HIM! I WILL!" he continues punching the table.

"I...I just saw him while I was in the store and he said his name was Steven. It might not even be the same guy" you lie.

Jason relaxes a lot, but he's still shaky.

"If I catch him holding your hand, I'll chop his off. If I catch him kissing you, I'll cut his lip open. If I catch him in bed with you..." he trails off, then starts laughing loudly, as if someone told a funny joke.

"You know what I'll cut off, my babyboy!" he snickers.

You push your lunch away. You've lost your appetite.

"Cutie loverboy?"

You groan. What's with all the nicknames?


You bury your face into the table.

"Hey, booooooyfriend! Helloooooo? Listen to me!" he gets impatient.

You decide to give in, and look up.

"I love you so much I would kill someone for you!"

"Please don't" you say flatly.

"Want me to hurt myself?"

"NO!" you yell.

"I'll carve your name into my arm so everyone knows I'm yours!"

"Stop it! You're crazy!"

"Then I'll just get a tattoo of your name on my arm!"

"No! In fact, I don't even want to be your boyfriend! Just your friend!"

"Y/N..." he says, slowly, deeply, and ominously.

"...I didn't say YOU got to choose if we're dating."

You start to wonder if this is why that girl disappeared. Maybe she ran away and found a new guy and just wanted a peaceful life.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon