Jason's Next Victim

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You hate this! You're the man who caused you pain and misery, the man who stalked you, the man who ruined your life!

He deserved jail for life! He deserved everything that came to him! He murdered several people, and you're thankful that you got away from him before he took any more lives!

The man that was so awful, so vile, so cruel...

That's who you are, and that's who you've become.

You cut your hair and dye it, like Jason's. You just can't help it. Jason isn't that bad-looking, after all.

It's not like you'll ever turn into him, though. You're still your own person, and a magical spell could never change that, ever!

You start to change your style to match his. He had nice style! It's completely natural to take inspiration from another person's style.

You change your walk to match his. His walk was cool...it's not like...you are becoming him...right?

You find a victim like he did...

You've become Jason.

And it's enough to exhilarate you!

"Babyboyyyyyyy~" you call out to your perfect future husband as he runs away from you out of fear.

"Stop it! I ended it with you last night, Y/N! Please leave me alone!" he pleads through tears.

Such gorgeous, gorgeous tears.

You catch up with him and hug him tightly.

"Oh, my darling! I'll NEVER let you go."

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Where stories live. Discover now