Jason's Anger

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You just learned more than you ever wanted to about a guy you weren't really interested in. Jason is trans, that's fine. He changed his name and entire identity, okay. He killed 51 people? Yeah, that one's a little different. One of these things certainly is NOT like the others.

You also learned that you were somehow getting real or realistic visions of Jason's past life, with no explanation at all. According to Steven, these visions definitely had some truth to them. But why was Jason's life story coming through to you in your dreams? It simply didn't make sense to you.

At school, Jason harasses you again. That's no shock. 

"Hey, Y/N! You didn't answer me last night! I had to come to your house and see what you were doing..."

Obviously, you're creeped out by this.

"...And I saw you with Steven Dirkin!"

Your heart sank. You didn't think that he could've seen you with Steven. You weren't even aware that he knew where you lived! With anyone else, you could've explained the situation, but with Jason, you knew that he would automatically assume the worst. You took a step back, just as a precaution.

"You cheated on me with the guy you asked about just yesterday! I heard he was back in town, but I figured you wouldn't cheat, so I foolishly let it slip that I knew him!"

You stayed silent, not wanting to anger him even worse. 

Jason took a few steps closer to you, his breaths becoming shaky and shallow, his teeth barred like a rabid dog. When he was like this, he didn't even seem human.

You were determined to learn what all of this meant, but didn't want Jason to kill you. Being killed by him was absolutely not in the plan today.

"I'm sorry, Jason. We were just talking, not cheating. I swear! It'll never happen again!" You squeak out, scared.

You already broke it off with Jason, but you wanted to slip more info out of him. He's the King of Simps, he's sure to tell you if you ask.

"Good boy," Jason cooed at you, stroking your hair and neck.

Shivers went down your spine, and it took all you could not to gag from the encounter.

Suddenly, a loud, familiar voice was heard from behind you.

"Steven Dirken? Yeah, I think that was his name. He just transferred here yesterday! Today is his first official day in school!" One of your classmates bellowed out.

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