Steven Dirken

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I walked into the classroom and took my seat, already bored before the late bell even rang. You see, school was never really my strong suit. My grades were around average, nothing special except for that one class I'm terrible at...but we don't talk about that.

Nothing at all is special about today, and soon the late bell rings, causing me to stop doodling in my notebook and actually pay attention, as much as I don't really want to.

My annoyance, however, is soon stopped abruptly by the teacher's words.

"Class, we have a new student here today! This is Steven Dirken. Please give him a warm welcome!"

Now, I know what you're thinking, and no. He did NOT sit next to me. I sit in a corner seat so I can avoid everyone, but he got to sit on the opposite side of the room from me, which, frankly, is perfectly fine by me.

Look, I don't HATE people. They just annoy me sometimes. I actually do enjoy speaking to people, just on my own terms.

Why am I even talking to myself like this?

You wake up to the sound / vibration of your alarm screaming at you / buzzing against the bedside table.

It was all just a strange dream? But why were you narrating your life? Your school day? How very strange. It didn't even seem to be YOU talking, at least not from your own body. It almost seemed like you were someone ELSE in your dream. How very odd. And that name! Steven Dirken, was it? You wonder if it could mean anything, but, deciding that it doesn't, you get yourself ready for school.

Upon entering the room, people suddenly stare at you, a slight bit of fear in their eyes. This confuses you, since you were a bit of an outcast for being into men, but nobody really bothered you about it except for the guys with such high levels toxic masculinity brewing so violently inside of them that you assumed they would burst.

But still, the fearful looks weren't normal for you to get, and you wondered if there was anyone behind you. You weren't sure you wanted to look behind you, so you decided not to. You decided to just take your seat instead, and to start thinking about your dream.

You don't remember ever seeing this Steven Dirken's face, now that you think back closely. Just his outfit, a medium blue t shirt with the words "Leave Me To My Dynasty" written on it in bright red font that resembled handwriting, and, for some reason, white jeans with paint stains all over them. Also, his hand, which looked like a middle aged bad boy's hand, covered in calluses and scars. The other hand wasn't visible to you during the dream, and you never heard his voice.

Just who could this Steven Dirken be?

You decide to ignore your thoughts and start focusing on your work. After all, the second bell, or the late bell, as it was referred to by the kids who hung out in the halls up until the very last moment, had just rung, meaning that class had started.

The Meanin' of Steven ~ Male Yandere x Male Reader [Complete!]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat