Chapter 32

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Note: The last two chapters will contain some graphic smut and a mention of violence. Read at your own risk. I should also mention that the sequels to this book ("Remembering the scent of mirabilis"  and  "The blossoming of mirabilis – The night when the mirabilis bloomed") are finished and well on the way! 

This is a long one, so brace yourselves!

In a lavender nightgown, with a kimono-sleeved robe, fluttery and long to the ground (because Tea was a little taller than me) I stepped through the door to the garden.

I stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. The moon reflected in the distance on the surface of the pond.

The romantic atmosphere will kill me.

I stepped on a path made of wood cut into circles and arranged in a path.

Probably during the day, the number of years could be counted on each cut part of the tree, on each of those circles.

I think about all sorts of nonsense when I'm alone and a little drunk...

Everything is so fairytale-like! I played my favorite instrumental on my phone that was in my pocket.

Walking deeper towards the cherry trees, I realized that I had not gathered my hair.

I walked and braided a braid in order to remove the hair that bothered me whenever I stopped by the cherry tree to touch the petals or whenever I squatted to smell flowers.

Life in the city denies such pleasures and the smells of the sea are the best you get from nature here, unless you live in a building or in a house that has no yard or a terrace.

The warm wind carried my thin cloak, I closed my eyes trying to forget everything, everyone and wanting only to exist in this moment, in this place...

The scents of the marvels of Peru revived the images of my childhood.

Grandma's house by the sea, her large terrace full of flower pots.

At night, I would always be awakened by the bloom of the marvels which would open their petals at dusk and spread the intoxicating scent for the next four hours.

Swaying in the breeze full of scents with my eyes closed, I began to turn slowly in a circle.

I had the feeling that I was standing on a mountain top where, roses of winds were blowing, bringing cherry petals straight to my face, making me feel free and relieved.

I opened my eyes in the last circle I revolved around - something looked out of place.

Fuck me...

Someone was standing not far from the kitchen exit and watching me.

Watching me spinning like some brat or like a crazy woman...

That someone could be...

A heartless prince.

Like a bullet, the sight of him hit me in the head. I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

I will pretend to be dead.

This grizzly bear will come, smell me and think that I am already dead.

If I'm lucky, he'll just ignore the strange, unknown spinning object in his yard and go to his icy castle.

I closed my eyes tightly like a child that's afraid of the dark.

It's been a few minutes...

He left for sure!

I slowly opened one eye.

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang