Chapter 14

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Note: There will be a teeny tiny bit of  mature content in this one. So for those of who are not comfortable with those kinds of things - you've been warned.

- "And how would you know what I'm like?"

Fuck me! I'm in the past from now on. I'm done! This is the last place – the last town – the last beach – the last state – The last planet I should be in right now!

Park...Fucking Adrian Park! Where is Thea to rescue me now?!

He had obviously gotten a kick and a good laugh out of listening to my babbling.

"I'm going to head back. It was a pleasure chatting with you and now goodbye! I wish you a lot of fun and a lot of women – That shouldn't be a problem for you!" I blabbed on, trying to maintain the balance and get out of there as fast as I can.

- "Why are you nervous?" That sandy tone his voice. I started breathing out hot air again. With the way I'm going, I'll be breathing fire, like a dragon!

"I'm not."

- "Ah, so why are you speaking a lot of nonsense per minute? And why do you wish me a lot of women and saying that it shouldn't be a problem for me?"

I was silent. I was silent because my mouth was dry. How can I look at you and not pounce at you? being desirable like that with those eyes and those slightly red lips, as if someone cravingly and continuously kissed them until this very moment.

Don't look Lucia. Don't fall to the temptation.

But I continued looking. He leaned against the wall and looked at me in an interrogative manner.

- "So?"

"So what?"

- "How do you know if women are not a problem for me?"

"Assumption." I replied.

- "Hmm, and what was it based on? What could you know about me?"

"I have eyes." – Ugh! Me and my quick tongue.

He smiled again, neared to a footstep of distance towards me. Put his hands in his pockets and said: – "Yes, I can see that. You'll explain the meaning of that statement to me right now."

Crap! How did Sammy know that he'll be the end of me?? If only I was sober!

"The explanation is simple. Any woman could explain it to you. Why me?"

- "Well, you're the one who told me that women aren't the problem for me. So I would like your answer."

"You're pretty. You have that energy about you that make women want to be near you, to want to have you... To try you." – A bloody idiot I am! I really going to regret this! I'm so going to regret this!!

He sweetly laughed out loud. I'd laugh too if I wasn't mourning my fate!

- "Ah, so they'd like to try me... And how about you?" – he approached me.

Hold on tight, Lucia! Don't think about how your knickers are about to get wet in a few seconds from this creature. Don't think about his scent nor his angelic smile!

"You were looking for an answer – You got one. And after all, I do not know you."

- "I'm sure Thea told you my name."

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now