Chapter 29

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"Sammy, look at all the ladies that are just waiting to meet with you!"

We were standing at the entrance that had a view on the dancefloor inside for all the fancier people, famous people and mere mortals like us.

- "The last thing I need is one of you setting me up with someone." He grumbled.

"Listen you!"

I started.

"I know that you can't notice anyone else because of the Mrs. with whom you 'aren't' (and yet still are) in love with. If you'd like me to forcefully end your relationship – then do continue to behave as if you're disinterested in living outside of it."

Sammy just sank deeper and deeper into the floor.

That crush (which I will put an end to) only made things difficult for him and it drove Thea and I nuts.

He started behaving like a zombie when it came to everyone else.

Thea's boyfriend arrived before we did and was waiting for us in the club.

We were descending down towards him when my attention got caught by Suzanna and her sister who was apparently married to some businessman or something

Daggers flew out of Suzanna's eyes when she noticed us, but that didn't worry me much. If I were to be afraid, I'd have pepper spray on my person.

"This is a very pretty place."

I said as I took notice of all the details and attentions that were given into decorating it. I looked around impressed with it all.

- "With very pretty guests."

Added Sammy.

Thea just elbowed him on his side.

And that is the moment where I spotted him.

My heart is pounding like crazy; I feel like It's going to lunge out to my throat.

Some ladies are speaking to him while he is smiling back at them, with a gentle polite smile.

- "Wipe that drool off."

This time, Thea elbowed my side.

"Ouch! That hurt."

- "Serves you right. You've been watching him even though he's been nothing but heartless towards you. Let him be in his heartless world. We'll find you some nice hunk for you to purr contently next to."

She's right. That does sound good. I could use some nice purring.

I looked at Sam, and while Thea looked away, I mouthed:

"I'd gladly _____ her brother."

Sammy started laughing out loud.

That traitor.

- "Hey! Don't just stand there, keep walking! And you..."

She batted her eyes sternly at me.

- "Close your mouth, open your eyes and watch where you're going instead of watching Mr. Forbidden fruit over there, who'll drive everyone nuts should you decide not to snap out of it."

She hissed.

- "That hornet is not our subject of interest anymore. Am I clear? Sammy! You should say something too!"

This was comical considering we had this discussion in the middle of the disco, which itself was a completely idiotic thing to do.

- "Listen Louis Lane: Stop looking at my arch nemesis and stop doing whatever this voice of reason just told you not to do under any circumstances!"

I was doing my best not to burst into laughter and to maintain a serious expression on my face.

We were approaching towards one of the more private tables where Dany sat with his friends, they were some fancy upper-class dudes.

It's true that Thea and were upper class too, but we never gave any attention it. And besides, we loved anonymity.

We were simply our own independent girls that lived off of their own salary.

Not that we ever cringed at the money coming our way, not at all! I'd be lying if I were to say that. But just because our parents had the money, doesn't mean that we did – Everyone built their own life for themselves.

We would call for help from a few familiar faces of our own (just like tonight) if need be, but we would never take advantage of our last names.

Sammy on the other hand came from a modest family, and during school we would never have problem with his modest means – even thought that was expected of us.

We were just happy to have Sam as our friend.

We met him for the first time, when he got bullied by some other rich kids.

I knew some aikido pretty well even then; it was an excellent choice of a sport for those kinds of moments.

Their asses were so well kicked out of the school yard that they didn't even consider going near our Sammy ever again. I'll never forget the way he took my hand as I was standing over him, trying to raise from the dirt. Thea was with me too; she was the one who saw him getting dragged out and told me.

I returned to those bullies the same favor they showed to him. Not that I'm saying that I did the right thing, but that was the logic I had as a kid back then.

Since that day, this handsome devil became my best friend.

"Hi everyone! I'm Lucia. Everyone less important can introduce themselves."

I said as I approached the table and sat down.

They laughed.

Thea sat by Danny while Sammy sat next to me.

Danny was pretty, not overly tall, had a pretty athletic features, dark eyes, short hazel hair, nicely trimmed.

He looked more as a likely bad guy in a movie then that seductive scum with a face of an angel that tumbled around in my mind.

The important thing is that every time Thea smiles – I'm able to count all of her teeth. My little grinning turd!

I nudged Sam every time she would shyly tuck her hair behind her ear, which was a sign of her getting positively flustered, or every time she would flail her hands around trying to explain something to him.

Oh, how she liked him!

Finally, something useful from my drunk meddling!

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now