Chapter 12

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- "Will you be wearing these sandals?"

We're about to prepare for the road trip. Thea and I always plan which get-up combinations we'll wear, which sandals, what kind of accessories to bring. And since my shoes take up to three shelves of space, Thea was standing on a ladder.

"Take the third one from the second row - going from the left side to the right. Satin, dark blue ones." Those shoes match with the dress which I'll get from the drycleaner just before we hit the road for the New Year's Eve road trip. The dress is short, blue satin material, closed on the front, open on the back with a bow on the bottom, with puff sleeves, with a lot of sparkles all over, looking like a starry night. And on top of that it's in my favorite color of royal blue.

-          "Girls..?" Sammy called out from the hallway

"In the bedroom!" I shouted back.

He peaked into the room and cheerfully asked: -      "Are you ready yet? Shall we hit the road?"

Sun was high up in the sky when we begun our journey. Sammy was driving while we were singing the entire journey, looking forward to the time we will spent together.

"Sammy, I've been wondering.." I started "How come you've been single all time?"

-        "Now who says I'm single?"

- "Ooooh, so you're hiding something from us!" Thea answered shocked

"I knew it you little seductive turd!"

- "Wait! How come we don't know about this?"

-         "Because Louis Lane would be jealous and I don't want that."

"Ahh, I'll never forgive myself for blabbing that night more that I should have! I'll never be able to live pass that!"

- "Don't try to find a way to avoid it and don't change the subject!"

-         "Fine! I obviously can't find a way to escape you eels!"

- "You obviously should be ashamed for trying to hide this from us. When were you considering telling us and why isn't she with us?" Thea sparkled with questions.

-         "It's complicated. A long story."

"We've got time. Three hours of driving, in fact. We're all ears!"

-        "Alright you Salem witches.. She's married."

Up until that moment I've been laying down in the back of the car, but this information was too much to digest in horizontal way, I jumped up into a sitting position. Thea started chocking on water she was sipping.

- "Married? You're a complete idiot! Break it off immediately, and by that I mean right this instant!"

- "What's the matter with you? What kind of reactions are those for? I've heard all sorts of crap from you guys – Did I ever react in that way?"

"No." I said quietly "You didn't. You don't understand - We hold nothing against her, whoever she is. We just don't want to see you get hurt because you'll live in the shadow to her and that feeling will eat you alive, do you understand?"

- "Oh, what could you know about it? Why are we talking so seriously about it anyway? It's only been a month since we started seeing each other."

- "Great! You've been silent about it for a whole month."

- "Thea, it's not like I wouldn't want to tell you guys about, it's just that I didn't see it as something worth mentioning just yet."

"Lies. Do what you want, but don't try to convince us that it's all that simple and not worth mentioning just yet."

- "Minimaxy, don't.."

"Sammy, it'll break your heart."

I'll find that bitch and I'll save Sammy! – I texted Thea

- Minimaxy, don't rush into things

You'll see Thea, you'll see I'm right! He's in love with her, and that's not good because there is no future if she doesn't want to get divorced – That's the scenario! And he is lying when he says it's been only a month! I'm going to find her and then she's either going to be Sammy's girl or she won't have Sammy at all!

- Oh come on girl. That's his life.

That's right! And I won't let some bimbo ruin it! I wouldn't be called Lucia Manev if I did.

- "Wow. So this is the house that three super candies like us will relax in." commented Sammy

I took my sunglasses off. Fuck me! – "This house is three times bigger than mine!

And the entire lower floor is surrounded with glass." The house was facing the beach.

Thea's plump lips got turned into a wide smile.

- "Yeah and you can suggest it to some handsome guy you'll bump into these days."

I rose my peach colored skirt to my ankles and entered the house barefooted.

- "We'd be very grateful if that gentleman were to appear, to calm down the hormones of wild lil missy here." Sam added and they were both already laughing.

"I see you guys arealready having fun. That clearly must be why I exist."

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now