Chapter 15

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- "Professor..?" Max stood in front of the door of the beach guard's house.

Right, the angel from a few moments ago was saving me from my own demons – Or maybe he is one of them.

"Max, I don't understand any of this. I hope you have a good explanation for this."

- "Sorry, when we saw each other at the entrance of the disco.."

We did saw each other? Him and I?

So, the feeling didn't trick me. But how did I end up with Adrian?

- "I had a problem with couple of guys, and it was all already stirring up when you came so I signaled to Adrian to take you somewhere safe so you don't catch their attention." 

the little computer inside my brain started to slowly go into a 'stand by' mode and everything else faded away.

My dear Santa, I've obviously been a good girl since you threw this kind of a bone my way. (With a slight delay, i might add.)

Sweet Lord! How am I going to be able to forget the kiss now? I am simply and completely screwed up!

Max drove me to Thea's beach house. The interesting part was that I don't remember how I got to the door, or that he asked me if he can drive me back. Also, he knew how to open the front door and where the key was being placed at. And inside – the welcoming committee was waiting for me. – Lucky me! Those little turds will get back at me for the entire mess I made.

- - "Hey sugar." – Sam called out

"Happy New Year to you too." I grumbled as I hugged him.

- "I see that Santa brought you in a little late." He whispered through his smile.

"Not completely correct... You have no idea."

- "Lucia! Where the hell have you been??"

"Happy New Year to you as well, my dear Thea!"

'Not tonight hon, please not tonight!' I pleaded with my eyes.

- "Tell just this one thing – Was your mysterious disappearance and the entire diversion worth it?"

"Diversion, diversion... You have no idea how different it all was from the scenario that's in your head."

- "Not just in mine." She looked at me with seriousness in her eyes "Sammy thinks the same way."

"The only person I sabotaged tonight was me." I pointed it out by hitting my chest with a palm of y hand.

- "Ah Minimaxy, the troubles never give up on you, do they?" Sammy comforted me "What happened now and from what kind of shenanigans has Max saved you from?"

"Right. Max. And where is Max?"

- "Probably in his room."

"Ah, good...Wait, wait, wait, wait a minute! 'His room'? What are you talking about Thea??"

- "They're here too." Sammy said with a mysterious grin evident on his face.

"They? Who's they?"

In that moment, down the stairs came Adrian, not paying attention to us. As he headed towards the kitchen I followed him with my eyes, peeking over Thea, who blocked the view. Fuck.

"Mmmmm.." My mouth was dry again.

- "Mmmhmm!" I heard Sammy behind me.

"How – Where – What are they doing here?"

- "This is my house too, Lucia." His calm voice could be heard all the way from the kitchen. Thea suddenly turned his way, but said nothing, and I know why.

She was about to say something that moment but stopped upon realizing that he said my name, because the man in question never remembers the names of unimportant people, just his own. She looked at me curiously. This was puzzling for her, I could see it on her face.

- "Are you coming back to bed?" a voice called out from the top of the stairs.

Wtf! Wtf! WTF! Suzanna?!

Never has there been a better end to a year nor a worser way to start a new one than this!

I took my shoes off, trying to get ahold of myself. He looked away from me and towards Suzanna.

- "I'll be with you in two minutes."

She disappeared back upstairs, while I headed towards my room.

I immediately got really dizzy as I passed by Sammy. He ran up to me and picked me in his arms.

- "Take her to her room."

-"Which one?"

- "I'll show you."

He led the way as I curled up in Sammy's arms.

"My prince... That's you Sammy!" I blabbed "You're such a gentleman... I feel so safe in your arms – No wonder why all girls would like to have you!"

I said that a little bit loud, knowing that little turd ahead of us is listening.

- "You really think so, gorgeous?" Sammy asked knowing something's up.

"I know so! This is exactly how every woman would like to have her evening end, in the arms of a handsome prince!"

The door opened.

- "This way professor."

- "Thank you, Park."

I continued blabbing out loud: "Thank you professor for taking me to sleep!"

Sammy kissed the top of my head, covered me with a banket and after a short moment, there was nobody in the room but me.

This is the ninth circle of hell, I swear! – And with that thought in mind, I drifted off to sleep.

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now