Chapter 1

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Silence.. I'm opening my eyes and see myself how I float right above my body. My hair is flowing down like water around the face. White as snow and long. I can't be dreaming. I can't be awake. Perhaps I'm dead? Or I might be in a coma? Whatever it is, it is far better from what it was... What it was makes me not want to remember it... What it was while you remembered me wasn't enough to not forget me. Now  you're probably laying down next to some other woman... Pain.. Pain is what holds me up.. Pain is a reminder of you. Something which one is silent about - Which name isn't spoken out loud.. I think I love you to the very bone, madly to the point of stupidity. How I love you, if only you'd know. For myself, I am dead while you live inside me –  Do i exist somewhere in the hidden compartment of your being? Or just a memory of me - Does it still exist? Or is everything that you don't feel worth forgetting?

Two years ago:

- "Do you even watch where you're stepping on?? You keep stepping on my feet!"

"Alright! Alright! Can't you see I'm drunk? Don't you see how good I feel? Thea.. What a beautiful and wonderful you are, my friend."

- "Do not shit around and keep balance!"

Thea, my bff, always and forever. Short, black haired, narrow-eyed girl which inherited those eyes and hair from her mother of Korean ancestry while having her father's French features such as charm and milky pale complexion. Whereas I am the girl that I am seeing in the mirror of the public restroom. Pale white hair, just below the waist which has just gotten wet for ending up in the sink while I was splashing my face just so I can come to my senses. Flat bangs, with a wide smile and with eyes of Alexandra Daddario – Which are by the way glassy and a bit red due to smoke and alcohol. Next moment, I saw another reflection in the mirror. Suzanna, the school's queen, a girl who's both irritatingly pretty and cheeky, but not more than me. By that I mean cheekiness.

- "Professor? Is it possible that we are meeting here?"

Standing with her arms crossed across her perfect breasts in a perfect white dress.

That little turd..

Whenever I am nervous, I always smile, toss my hair forward.

"Is it impossible?"

- "No. It isn't impossible." She continues, continuously leaning from leg onto the other, chewing her gum and twirling her locks between her fingers – in other words: everything that irritates me. "Why wouldn't you go to places where students usually go to. The impossible thing would be to see you with some attractive guy, then I would consider that impossible."

Thea is already slowly but surely approaching me from the side and takes me by the hand, knowing my temper, which is nervous breakdown of wanting to right the personal wrongs. I straighted up my thin body and my preferred everyday heeled sandals didn't go in my favor in this state. But still, I was a P.E. teacher and a master of aikido – When will I show resilience and physically mental strength if not now, when the five different cocktails are mixing in me. I shove the petty grinning Suzanna on the side by the arm and pass by her, trying my best to still look feminine in that dress which is for polite, sober professors that go to nice restaurants and not for me – a ticking bomb disguised as an educational worker. My mother always said that I channel my craziness and justified it by profession. It makes sense when you think about it.

"That little turd.. We'll see if she is as witty on P.E. as she is with her statements. There will be the impossible.." I grumbled while dragging Thea through the hallway, towards the disco.

- "Minimaxy, wait!"

Minimaxy – my nickname. My height was too memorably mini. But my character is Maxy. Every feature that is well balanced with others is overly exaggerated with me.

- "Minimaxy Lucia Manev, wait!"

My first and last name by the way is Lucia Manev.

"What?!" I shouted trough Thea's ear

- "Why are you dragging me? You lost your sandal in the crowd! Can't you see that you're walking like a donkey with a limp?!"

The view of my feet from above was absolutely divine – One foot with a sandal on and one without it.

My favorite sandals, in my favorite color..

My favorite sandals, in my favorite color by my favorite designer!

"Really??" Lost, I take off my other shoe and furiously continue towards the table. I need something to vent on, something to distract me. I suddenly turn towards Thea who is currently behind me.

- "Stop Thea!"

"What nooooow?!"

Man she is really furious! 

 "I need someone right!"

She rolled her eyes – "Should we ask Suzanna if she has a boyfriend we could borrow?"


- "No! I'm just joking!" Thea is answering already panicked "I'm only joking and you're drunk. Minimaxy, please."

"Why not??"

- "Because! Because... you're a nice lady." Thea continued

"BUT I'M NOT! I'M NOT! YOU KNOW ME, YOU KNOW I'M NOT! We gonna go and see if she has a boyfriend. Maybe she's alone so there might not be anything out of it."

Of course, I didn't give up. The very next moment, we were already by the bar. I chased some kids away from the bar chairs and freed the spot for us. And of course, I took notice on my way from the bathroom where Suzanna and the rest of the crème students of the crème school went to.

"I love you."

- "Screw you! You should be restrained by law whenever you drink! Destroyer of bff's" She hissed which made me laugh.

And then I saw something which alcohol makes my head see it in slow motion.

"Oh my sweet Lord.."

- "What is it now? Do you hear me?" Her voice started to fade in the background, while the group of boys started coming down the stairs towards the bar where we were at.

- "What's it to you Minimaxy?"

"I see something that should be banned by law." I said gently into her ear. But when I turned around, there were no sight of them.

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now