Chapter 26

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"We'll be going to the spa hotel Q&Q like as a part of recreational school trip. If I understood well – The staff from your university will go as well, right Sammy?"

Sam and Thea simply looked at each other then back at me.

Fuck me! Adrian will be there!

Great! Simply splendid!

I was training till I could no longer stand.

My kimono was dripping from sweat.

Sparing was the thing I needed to get some sexual frustration out of me. I need to do something about it. Fucking AP turned up the vent of all sorts sexual fantasies that are running around my mind, so now I'm just thinking about how to cool the fire that lit up from a first glance I threw his way.

Heading towards my home, I couldn't wait to lay back into my tub when suddenly my phone rang.

"Dad, hi."

- "Hello to the apple of my eye!"

I heard the voice which always made me feel like a little spoiled girl.

"Hi dad!"

- "How's my little pearl doing these days?"

Dad always gave me nicknames I adored.

"Confused. Might be in love. I actually can't even tell what's going on with me, dad."

- "Oh..."

I heard a tone of sheer surprise in his voice.

My father was always that one person I could tell everything to and he would keep my secret. He made a promise that he will ever since I was a little girl.

"You seem shocked."

- "No, little bug. It's just that I didn't hear you say that since middle school. Must be serious."

"I'm not so sure, dad. It was more like a confusion at a first sight... I don't know."

- "Well, my little pearl, that's nice to hear. I wanted to ask you if you would like to visit your dad on his birthday. Your sisters will come as well."

"Of course, dad! I'll see you next week!"

- "Okay little bug. See you then. In a meantime, give your mum a call. I love you!"

"Love you too!"

They did that all the time. Valentina and Sergio. My father is a Serbian by ethnicity and his real name is Slađan Manović

(Translator's note: Sladjan Manovich – I know! The pronunciation is confusing here. Fun fact: "tch" and "ch" actually make the sound for our letter č - which is incorrect, while ć sounds something like when frozen fishfingers get dropped into a pan of boiling oil, or the sound t and u make together when British people say the word "tune". So, in conclusion western pronunciation of Serbian and other Slavic last names was always incorrect, and it will never be pronounced right, MWAHAHA! - Feel free to share that fact at parties!).

 But as a fashion designer, he changed his name due to pronunciation and better recognition. So, now he's known as Sergio Manev, a shoe designer and creator.

My mother is an American. And when you mix my father's temper with my mother sophisticated style - you get me!

During my work hours, I'm more like Valentina while in my private life I'm more like my dad. Simply divine creative chaos.

My sisters look more like our dad, but they have mother's character while I am a complete opposite.

"Today we'll test your skills in gymnastic in battling the obstacles. But first, we'll do laps. Line up and start." I clapped my hands together and the class began. I haven't seen Suzanna in a while, I've been only handed a slip saying that her doctor justified her absence from class by officially recommending that she should temporarily abstain from physical activities due to an injured ligament of her leg.

That's most likely faked so that she wouldn't have to attend my classes till the end of the school year. – Which is probably for the best.

Max was avoiding me even though he was attending classes just like any other student. It's all still very unclear to me, but when it comes to Max – this is for the best because he is my student and that sets a line which can't be crossed, not even privately. But I still think he's very, very handsome.

- "Alright everyone, all preparations have been done!" Entering into the staff lounge, I was greeted by few professors telling me everything regarding the trip right before the meeting started.

- "The plan is as it follows: We'll all meet at the university, where we will pick up the university students as well as our own at the same time. Then, we will head to Q&Q. As soon as we arrive, we will sort the students into their rooms. After that is sorted out, the very first thing we'll do is take them sightseeing. The next day, they'll start the volleyball matches in which the groups will be sorted by our P.E. professors. They'll also participate a variety of other sport activities. On a third day, the students will go walking with a tourist guide and later on during the afternoon they will participate in athletic and gymnastic activities.

Basically, the point of our trip is to encourage sportsmanship between the two schools and to get to know the professors from other school better."

- "And to spend some time with one of our pretty professors a little better." – I heard a whisper in my ear.

Ugh! That sleaze still can't forget about the sex that happened three years ago.

Neither of the two of us were working here at the time. It only took him one peek underneath my skirt and now he can't drop the insinuations. Immature shithead!

All in all, I can feel like this will be one hell of a week!

The next day, I saw Max passing by in the hallway with a bunch of girls who were swooning around him. He was obviously their favorite. You could see it from a mile away that they were competing for his attention.

I was wearing my summer boots of camel color, a white dress with a camel-colored belt around my waist and I had my hair tightened back into a braid.

I noticed the look in his eyes that left the company of girls when he spotted me in the hallway.

- "Good afternoon professor!" The girls greeted while he just silently nodded my way.

"Good afternoon." I said in my professor like manner. I was a strict professor after all, I had to maintain my reputation. And I did so with pleasure!

I would often hear complaints about my attitude, but never cared to be honest.

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن