Chapter 3

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I heard a voice louder than everyone else's behind us. That sandy tone in his voice, so sexy. "Who's the owner of that voice?" I asked Thea who stopped and had put on her sour smile and just replied: - "Hornet."

"Wtf?! Hornet has this nice of a voice?"

- "Shut your mouth and open your eyes." She replied before we turned around. And behind us the queen bee, her ladies in waiting, couple of boys and someone who made the world blur around him.

My.. Sweet.. Lord..

I looked him up from his legs to his torso and when I got to his face, I could have sworn that Cha Eun Woo is standing before us. The tiny computer in my brain started loading at that very moment. Height: 180 cm, so handsome that it makes my eyes hurt, a milky pale face – clean and smooth as porcelain, perfect lashes big enough to make me observe them even though I'm drunk, black hair asymmetrically cut, and on top of that – eyes, dark as night, narrow. Just like Thea's. Like Thea's eyes .. Error! Error! Hornet has eyes like Thea – Thea has eyes like him?! We got surrounded by everyone now and we are severely outmatched number-wise.

"I didn't know you're hanging around with Cinderella. Is that the reason why you rushed out of the disco?"

- "Stop pretending like you have a sense of humor and out with it!"

The irritation in her voice was evident and before I managed to speak, Suzanna started speaking while clinging on this walking eye-candy: "More like wicked stepmother rather than Cinderella!" – And all bees started laughing in sync.

They are all going to get low grades for that and it will be without any further discussion.

- "Maybe it's not her sandal. Maybe it was Suzanna's? Maybe Suzanna had an extra pair of shoes?" Added one of the not very bright bees. Obviously, everyone knows that she has gotten head over heels over this guy. - What an irritating plot twist! – I concluded to myself.

"Only your friend doesn't have that good of a taste in shoes."

It would seem that Thea didn't manage to prevent bunch of shenanigans that was about to happen.

- "What do you want and why aren't you pretending like we simply don't know each other?"

He simply smiled showing his perfect teeth. They're so pretty! Oh, how pretty he is...

- "Wipe that drool from your mouth and get in the car!" she whispered to me

"Cinderella!" laugh erupted by everyone present there "aren't you forgetting something?" He raised a hand holding a sandal.

With some dignity, I toss my hair back and approached close enough to be one footstep away from him. I stretched my hand forward expecting to get my sandal back – But instead, he threw it away from us. Everyone laughed once again.

- "Leave her alone, you idiot!" I heard Thea approaching behind me.

- "I didn't even touch your acquaintance."

- "She's not my acquaintance, she's been my friend for a long time now."

- "I don't know her and I've been your brother for a long time now."

He replied wickedly through his smile.

Brother.. this piece of meat is her brother. Oh, my sweet lord! Now I love her even more!

"We haven't met." I was about to say my name but he added: "Don't waste your breath. When it comes to meeting unimportant people, I don't remember names other than my own either way." Now it seems as if the laughter stretched throughout the whole city "And after all, I did toss away your shoe, it wouldn't be right for me to give it back to you, that assignment is for the prince, isn't that right Cinderella?"

- "Jerk!" Thea added and took me towards the car. The group dispatched towards the disco.

I'm going to remember the look of Suzanna and the rest of her fellow bees when I start grading them, I hope.

- "Sit here. I'm going to go and get it." Before she finished the sentence, a guy from his group knocked on the window.

"Professor, here's your shoe."

I opened the door. He is so cute and dear. He has that gentle look in his blue eyes.

"I'm Derek. You've been teaching me P.E."

"Sorry. "I replied confused "I still can't remember everyone."

"It's okay. Remember this when you start grading me, and please don't be as strict as you usually are." He winked and left.

- "Did he just wink at you, professor?" Thea smiled "-Don't be strict- Ooh you're even strict too!"

- "Did he just wink at you, professor?" Thea smiled "Don't be strict" She chuckled "Ooh you're even strict too? Towards your handsome pupils? Impossible!"

"Stop taking advantage of the situation and tell me what was that just now?"

- "That was the jerk of my younger brother."

"Doesn't he live with his grandparents in Korea?"

- "Did – Past tense. Came back for studies."

"Wait, he's going to study here?"

- "Yes. He's going to study here. He usually works as a model, which is why those witches run after him. Besides that, pretty face, there is nothing pretty about him."

"What do you mean?"

- "He's the problem to himself. That disgusting character that he has is what makes him a barely tolerable brother. Because of his tendency to play games is why I wanted to leave the club early before he spots us. But I obviously failed."

And so ended our conversation in the car. I twirled my encounter with him in my head while Thea drove us towards my house on a beach. The house was simple, my grandmother left it for me to inherit. Best thing about it is a big terrace. I spent my entire childhood there and celebrated all my birthdays.

We came in, locked the door behind us and blacked out into our beds. Sunday will obviously be a day for sleeping.

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now