Chapter 16

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I was woken up by the bustle that was happening outside terrace underneath the window. I hate first of January. I can see Suzanna's snake-y body in her bathing suit – eww.

After taking a shower, I put on my one-piece bathing suit and a long white sun dress. I braided my hair and put my lip gloss on, making them look wet and desirable. And with a pair of sunglasses on, I headed out. They were all downstairs, on a terrace. Coming down the stairway, I could see everything that was happening outside thanks to the glass walls downstairs. So, the entirety of the hornet's gang is here with Suzanna and only one member from her beehive with her. My dear Sammy and Thea were lazily laying down on the beach folding chairs.

- "Ohhoho! Look who finally got up!" Sammy's voice called out and everyone silenced and turned my way at that moment.

Thank you so much for that introduction. I thought to myself. Now I am hungover under close observation of those bloodsuckers.Adrian was the only one who sat still sipping on his drink, not raising his head from his phone the entire time.

He doesn't have to watch. Who cares anyway?

"Where have you been vipers?" I replied to them as I sat on a folding chair between Thea and Sammy.

Thea lowered her glasses on a bridge of her nose and looked at me with a scolding look in her eyes.

- "Hello Minimaxy."

"Oh please! - not with that sweet tone!" I started trying to smooth up the situation.

- "You'll explain everything when the enemy troops move away from us." She spoke.

- "Right, right, we shouldn't talk now. It's risky." Sammy stated through his smile, while laying back on his chair.

"Did you guys have fun last night?" I chirped after ten minutes of frying in the sun.

- "When exactly do you mean? Before we went out of our minds with worry or after searching the entire disco, not knowing what is happening with our friend?"

The sparks went out of her mouth. This is not good. I've messed up big time!

"Well now that you say it like that, it really sounds bad." I was trying to pull myself out of it.

- "Minimaxy, the mess you set us in last night! And not to mention that you stuck me with that ameba last night, I won't forgive you for that." Sam replied

"Et tu, Sammy?" I looked at Sammy with disbelief.

- "Don't look at me with those puppy eyes!"  

- "Ameba? Why an ameba? She looked very match-able." Thea stated.

"Were you nicely taken care of at least?" I varily asked Thea.

- "It wouldn't be that bad if I wasn't worried sick about you and where you've been at."

"Do you get his number though?" I asked grinning at her.

She smiled and said "I did."

"Nice. Something worth the last night's mess. Anyway, what's with the Hornet crew? Did you know they were coming?"

- "No. My mom called to tell me but I didn't hear the phone and Adrian thought it'd be good idea to be here as well without informing me beforehand. Also we have yet to discuss about how Adrian knows your name."

"Why?" I pretended like I was confused by that last bit. "As if that's something of importance. He could have heard it from anywhere."

- "Eeh that's not true. He really is bad at remembering names when it comes to meeting people. So, why does he know your name?"

Among the Mirabilis(Part one of the trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now