For the most part, things I'd never expected, but were enjoying had happened. I'd met some really caring and kind boys. It still seemed almost unreal knowing that they also, by some odd chance of fate, happened to be the Artists of the music that I'd found comfort in over the past year.

Then again, this University was well-known for having idols and other people involved in the entertainment industry studying here. That much I could reason with, but, then there was the fact of how seamlessly I'd slipped in with them. I didn't exactly see them hanging out with just anybody.

So, that's what had led me to believe there was more to this. There had to be. I wasn't making up conspiracies, right?

Hm. Then there were the headaches, which seemed to come on when I got too close to some of the boys... Yesterday's one was the worst... and, as the memory of it comes back to me, I'd been in an eye-lock with Hoseok at the time. I could've sworn he was about to kiss me, the way he danced with me, tingles ripples across my skin as I recalled the anticipation.

He hadn't been high on my suspicious past boyfriend list but after that... I wasn't so sure. But, the more time I spend with them the more confused I get. To some degree they all treated me with such affection, and, as special as it made me feel, it was almost overwhelming at times. It's not like I wasn't used to getting attention from guys once in a while, but this many?

And it all just seemed to be one after the other... It just felt like I hadn't had any time to breathe over the last few days.

And, on top of that, I was trying to avoid being left on my own in case some crazy fan girl pushed me off a balcony.. god that's actually so messed up now that I think about it. Maybe my mind was just trying it's best to cope by not mentally processing half the things that'd been happening lately. But, now it all seemed to be hitting me at once. Then again, isn't that what I'd walked myself into? Wasn't that a path I'd chosen to take in search of my memories...

Figure eights in my mind as usual, so, I push them to the back of my mind for now. Only, by that time class had finished and I'd missed pretty much the entire thing. Oh well, I could watch it online later.

As I walked out into the hallway Joon looked up at me, slipping his phone into his pocket before meeting me halfway.

"Hey, what do you feel like eating?" I asked.

"Hm. Not sure, should we go take a look in the cafeteria before we head to the studio?" Joon replied, eyes darting to my bag as I hitched it further over up my shoulder.

"Yeah, sounds good. I think a sandwich or a salad would be enough for me. I'm not that hungry."

"Sure," Joon gave me a smile before gently reaching for my shoulder, "here, I can hold your bag. It looks heavy."

My partial stun at his sweetness stopped me from protesting and instead I let him slip it off my shoulder. A warm honey smile graced his features as we set off.

At the cafeteria the two of us agreed on sharing toasted sandwiches, which we took with us to the next building where all the studios were.

Coincidentally, it was the same room I'd first seen Yoongi in. But, as we walked in no one else was there. We pulled up a seat at the desk and set up our sandwiches. There were moments where it felt like he may as well have been my boyfriend.. our movements today, spending it side by side like this..

"Ahhh. What should I show you first," Joon sucked in a sharp breath of air as he contemplated, taking a bite of his sandwich with one hand and scrolling through songs on the computer with the other.

"Just play the entire Mixtape, we have enough time, right?" I beamed. Excited to finally give it a listen.

"Okay, yeah. It's just under 40 minutes so there's time," he flashed me a humbling smile.

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