On the walk to class, Hoseok and I talked about some of our favourite songs at the moment. We both had really similar tastes in music, so we excitedly exchanged recommendations. He told me he'd come back and get me again after I finished and left me at my class.

It was a double block, so it lasted an hour and a half. During which I stayed focused until the last thirty minutes. Lately, there'd been so much happening that it was impossible not to have my thoughts wander elsewhere.

What was the possibility of Hoseok being my past boyfriend...? At this point, he seemed to treat me more like a little sister, but it still wasn't enough to cross him off the list just yet.

Today was the first chance we had to spend time together, just the two of us... He was so easy going, I felt so comfortable around him. That and, knowing myself... if he'd made a move on me, I absolutely would've gone with it. I could see myself having fallen for him easily...

The bell rang, snapping me from my thoughts, so I gathered my things and went to find Hoseok. I spotted him waiting a little way down the hall. A few people from my class glanced at me as I walked toward him, but I ignored it.

"Are you ready to head off?" He asked, sliding his side bag around behind him so that he could walk beside me.

"Yep, I'm ready," I replied, relaxing as he slung an arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, wait!" He exclaimed. "Is it okay if we stop by the agency first? I need to pick up a few things before I go back to the dorms."

"Sure, I don't have anywhere to be." It sounded like it could be fun, so I agreed.

"Cool, it won't take long. Let's go" Hoseok and I headed off to the agency together. It wasn't far, so we arrived in no time.

When we entered the building, he led me down to a large room in the basement. From the glass mirrors lining the walls and the polished boards on the floor, I knew it was a dance practice studio.

"Wow, so this is where you guys do your dance practices?"

"Yeah. Why? Does dance interest you?" Hoseok hummed, eyes lighting up with intrigue.

"Yeah, I wonder what it's like, all of you together, dancing. I haven't seen your performances yet so I'm curious"

"Oh really? I can show you one," Hoseok replied, sporting a cheeky grin on his face.

"Please, Yess" I smiled.

"Okay, hold on. First, we need music" Hoseok walked over and turned on the sound system then pulled out his phone. I squatted down and hugged my knees as I waited from the sidelines of the dance space.

"Alright," Hoseok said, stretching a little before pressing play and putting his phone on the table. I could feel his energy turn on strong like a switch as I cheered for him and the music started playing.

Popping, locking, the movements of his body were so fluid. Smoothly, he danced to the rhythm, leaving me awestruck. I sat in a cross-legged position on the floor as I watched Hoseok, the cheeky smirks he'd sent me as he went. It felt like a special show just for me. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, absolutely entranced by his energy and swag.

As the song ended, he ran his hand through his brown hair to push it out of his face, lightly breathing but not seeming to have broken a sweat at all.

"Omg! You're such a talented dancer! Hoseok!" I clapped, calling out to him excitedly from where I sat. He poked his tongue out playfully and walked over to me. The next song had come on. It was slow RnB vibes.

"C'mon, your turn baby" He teased, cheekily reaching down and grabbing my hand to pull me to my feet.

"Ahhh, really?! I don't dance, you know," I laughed, knowing I was a worse dancer than him and wanting to save myself from embarrassment.

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