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This chapter is replying to m0therfuck3r_

Name: Kasumi Yaoyorozu

Sexuality: Bisexual

gender: She/They

Age: 14-15

Parents: Kyoka J Yaoyorozu & Momo Yaoyorozu

Relationship status: Single (Hopelessly inlove with ShinKami's kid *they/them*)

Quirk: Replication *Can create sounds or objects after hearing and seeing them often imitating weapons in which her opponents are using*

Quirk backlash: Using this quirk causes concentration and a clear mind set which is exhausting as her quirk is often picking up more than she can handle resulting in rare migraines becoming nauseous

Appearance: around 5'3 still growing, purplish grey eyes and short black hair with bangs like kyokas

Personality: Straightforward but is so well mannered you wouldn't even notice, has social anxiety, quiet but very kind, intelligent

Hobbies: baking, singing/ playing instruments, skateboarding, reading, drinking tea, simping over shinkami's child

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