My Best Friends Daughter Calls Me Mama (Pt.2)

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~Momo's POV~

I stand there holding the baby, I didn't care who's baby it was bc I love jirou so much. "Momo I li-love you but we can't be together" she says. "If u love me then why not" I ask and there was a loud banging on the door. "Hurry up!" The voice yelled banging harder on the door. "Him, now just pretend to be a babysitter, for my sake and yours" she says and goes to answer the door a boy with hair like midoriya's but black steps it, he tried to kiss her but she refused a kiss. "Come on bae" he says and I couldn't help but cringe. "Just knock it off, we aren't even together" she says. "Yeah yeah, anyways who's this and why is she holding my baby" he asked pointing at me. "Um that's the babysitter" she says, she's a rlly bad liar. "Don't you dare lie to me!" He yells raising a hand to her and I caught it. "Don't do it." I say pulling Kyoka to my side. "Your not worth my time I'm leaving" he says and leaves and everything started adding up. "Look I don't wanna talk about it, I'm fine I just need time to get my life together" she says and bring her to her room and sit her on the bed...still holding the baby. "Kyoka, I love you with all of my heart and I want to help you but I can't if you won't talk to me" I say and put my hand out for her to hold. "Okay so last yr I was dating riku, he was nice to me back then and was a good person but one day he said he wanted a baby from me, I didn't want to be a parent yet plus I had no idea he was 16 and I was 14, he raped me and I couldn't leave him because I had nowhere to go, I stayed with him and gave birth to mitsuba but we aren't in a relationship, I just can't leave him because if we do go to court I wouldn't have a chance of getting custody over mitsuba and she is everything to me, I'm doing it for her" she says and I felt so bad, she was being hurt for the sake of her daughter. "Kyoka I'm sorry, your probably exhausted and stressed from dealing with all of this alone, I wish I knew sooner" I say and mitsuba started giggling which definitely lightened the mood. "I love you Momo I really do but u could get hurt getting involved" She says hugging me. "Look I don't mind taking some damage for your safety" I say.

Time skip a month and Momo starts seeing mitsuba very often

~Momo's POV~

I start walking to kyoka's house since she wasn't in class today an I guess I walked right into a fight, Riku and Kyoka were yelling and screaming and mits was crying. "Fine then it's settled, I'm gone I don't want anything to do with you or your daughter anymore!" Riku yells and storms out. Kyoka looks at me with tears in her eyes and smiled. "It took all day and night but...I did it" she says and I pick up mitsuba who was still crying. "Sorry sweetie I know we were really loud" she says taking mits from my arms. " he gone for good?" I ask and she nods. "It took 12 hrs but he's gone. "You're going to bed right now" I say and she shakes her head. "I need to take care of mi-" I cut her off. "No, I'll take care of mitsuba for you and you are going to sleep your exhausted, I can see it" I say picking her up and carrying her to her room. She changes and gets into her bed. I sit bedside her and I was sure she was asleep when I got up but she tugged at my shirt. "Staaayy" she whines her eyes were closed and I look at mitsuba I'm my arms. "I need to put mits down and then we can cuddle okay?" I say and she smiles a little and I go to put mits down before getting in bed with Kyoka and watch her slowly fall asleep.

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