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Momo and Kyoka are now 20 and proheros while trying to keep their relationship a secret but on the interview that was being broadcasted through all of japan they may or may not be exposed

~Kyoka's POV~

I get home from a fight, well the hospital, i won the fight but my right hand sure didnt but other than that just a few cuts and sractches..and the cast. i head upstairs where momo was just sitting on our bed watching the news. she gets up and hugs me, "you did great today" she says then she let out a chuckle before continuing. "i think you've also got some new fans from your fight today" she says pointing to the tv. "heh probably" i reply. and go shower because when have an interview in an hour. after i shower and get ready to go she pulls me into a long kiss. "see you at there" she says. she goes out the front door i go out the back and we walk in different directions to the place. i meet up with her and we soon both sit down not far from eachother. the person interviewing us starts the show and there was a huge crowd.....its just like one of your conserts kyoka, i remember momo telling me that earlier. "Alright tonight we have Creati and Earphonejack who became pro-heros at just 20 years old which may i say is quite inpressive" he says before continues with really boring questions.

~Momo's POV~

the guy kept going with boring questions you could answer just by looking at us. "This a question I think we all want to know, are you two seeing anyone special, more specifically one another. "No comment" we both say at the same time. "Ooo, you two are seeing each other" he continues as I think he noticed Kyoka at her breaking point. She was getting really fidgety and bouncing her leg now. "We said no comment" I say. "What do you mean we, on this shoe everyone can say something cuz earphonejack sure looks like she's got something to say" he says putting the mic in kyokas face and it was really pissing me off. "Wow, thank you some much for wasting our time but we're leaving" I say and kyoka walked not to far behind me. We get home and Kyoka was still not okay. She has anxiety and even the thinks that normally calm her don't. She was walking backs and forth across the room while I sat on the bed watching her. "Kyoka" I say and she turns to look at me and I pat the spot on the bed next to me. "This is my fault" she says. "Kyoka, darling, it's not your fault, he was trying to push us to our breaking point to get a story out of us" I say. She was still shaking she hands me her phone and I look at the screen there was a news header. 'Earphonejack may or may not have just confirmed her relationship it's creati'....she was crying now . I place her in my lap and she burries her face in my neck obviously tired. I run my fingers through her hair before her shaking stopped, she was asleep.

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