A Sophomore And A Senior

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(No quirks) Momo is a senior in high school and Kyoka is a sophomore but the 2 yr age gap means nothing to them. I feel like Momo would constantly tease Kyoka but not sexually just to mess with her.

~Momo's POV~

I walk up behind Kyoka as quiet as possible and scare her. "Ah!dont so thaatt!" She whines and I hug her from behind. "Sorry bb" I say and we start walking out the school. she looked a bit upset as we started walking. "What's going on?" I ask and she looks up at me. "I have this long ass math exam tmr and I'm probably gonna fail it" she says. "Kyoka...I can tutor you" I say and put my arm around her waist and head to my house. we study for a few hours and its summer so i wanted to take her somewhere. "Kyoka" i say. "hmm" she replies. "do you wanna go watch the sunset at the beach" i ask. "Yes!" she almost yells since she really loves the beach, probably more then she loves me. im 17 so i can drive and i hvae my own car, i'll be 18 next month and kyoka's just turning 16 today, she literally has no idea its her birthday i dont think. Her parents give me their consent since they had the same age gap in highschool. "we have atleast an hour before the sun goes down wanna get icecream, its on me" i ask. "yeah, id like that" she says and we get our icecream and after that we just walk around. "Hey cutie" a voice says and i realized it was kyoka's ex who is in denial that kyoka doesnt like boys. "Kaminari, im kinda busy i'll talk to you tmr" kyoka says and i pull her into me and start walking off. "you're not going to talk to him tmr kyoka, thats why he wont move on, just ignore him for a bit and he'll come to terms with reality" i say and she nods, shes mostly quiet but when she isnt shes something else. the sun started will set in a few mintues so nows my chance. her parents wanted this and so do i, but does she? i get onto one knee and pull out the box with a ring in it, she had gotten up to go get seashells so when she turns around i take the risk. "momo, is this a joke?" she asked when she turns around. "you think i'd trick you like that? kyoka, i remeber starting school here and you were the only person who didnt flirt while introducing yourself, she were just friends at first but i started getting these weird feelings around you, i was in denial at first but decided to except that it was love. you'd blush around me and i never knew why until you wrote that love letter and i started putting the peices together, we were in love and i want everyone to know that, so Kyoka Jirou, will you marry me?" i ask and she falls to her knees nd hugs me. "Yes, but my par-" i cut her off. "already talking it over with them" i say and put the ring on her finger, "one more thing" i say taking a neckles with a circular sapphire gemstome in the middle. i put it on her. "momo, this is all to expensive, why spend all your money on me?" she asked.

~Kyoka's POV~

Momo puts an expesive neckles around my neck. "momo, this is all to expensive, why spend all your money on me?" i ask. "Because kyoka..." she says pulling my face centemeters away from hers. "I love you" she says and kisses me for what felt like forever before pulling away. "happy birthday" she says and i freeze...it was my birthday? "thanks and, i love you too" i say and we head to her house spending most of the night cuddling and playing videogames until she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder.

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