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Kyoka's depression causes her to have little to no energy most days and Momo is always there to comfort her.

~Momo's POV~

I was walking back to my dorm when I walked by kyoka's dorm and decided to go check on her, she hasn't been herself lately, her depression. I open the door slowly and she was just sitting on her bed on her laptop. "Hey" she says flashing me a quick grin. "Hey" I say sitting on her bed next to her. "So, how are you feeling?" I ask and she just lays her head on my shoulder. "I'm tired, but I can't fall asleep, it's so fucking irritating" she says. I lay back and pats the spot on the bed next to me, she lays down facing me. I couldn't help but kiss her, she's so pretty. She cuddles into me and i start stroking her hair gently, then she slips her hand into mine. She fell asleep holding my hand.

I'm tired and lazy lol

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